Shop Suggestions

    Bright and Fresh Neutral Nursery


    Shop New Arrivals


      1. RocPin

        August 19, 2011

        I love it! I love all the shelving. Great job!

      2. Lindsay

        August 19, 2011

        I love the room! I was curious where you purchased your crib from? It’s exactly what we are looking for! Thanks!

      3. zajana

        August 20, 2011

        very very pretty

      4. Trudi

        August 21, 2011

        Cute room!! Where did you get your crib?

      5. Kara

        August 22, 2011

        Beautiful! Where did you get the adorable white side table (with yellow lamp on it) and where are the shelves from?

      6. Erin

        September 4, 2011

        Love this room! What color grey did you use?

      7. decorjanbaby

        September 4, 2011

        Love, Love, Love this room. it goes along the lines of what I’m planning (in my head) to do to our nursery. did you use two different colors of grey in the room. I would be interested in knowing which paint/color(s) you used. Great work!

      8. Jean

        September 10, 2011

        Im also curious where the shelves are from and the color of grey paint. Very cute room!

      9. Emma

        October 21, 2011


        Looks like the sidetable and shelves are from IKEA. They are called Noresund (table) and Lack (shelves)

        Otherwise, love the room.

      10. Jennifer

        November 3, 2011

        I absolutely love the soft yellow with the grey, any suggestions on how to make the bumper and the skirt? I am not a sewer at all!!! Thanks for the inspiration.

      11. Lisa Myers

        April 11, 2012

        Where did you get the tree decal? That’s exactly what I’m looking for! Please let me know! Adorable room!!


      12. judyk

        May 15, 2012

        Lisa Myers,

        Looks like the decal is from Simple Shapes. They have two websites for two different sizes:

        Simple Shapes

        Simple Shapes on Etsy (smaller tree)

      13. crazyhoanqn

        August 1, 2012


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