Dropping your baby at day care for the first time can be overwhelming for a new mom. And while any seasoned mom will tell you that, yes, there is a lot you need to juggle and have packed, it does all become part of your normal routine. There are some things you can prepare ahead of time to make sure your mornings aren’t as crazy and you can be sure baby has what she needs during the day. That’s why we created a simple daycare supply checklist.
Start by purchasing a second diaper bag that will be used for all your child’s items that need to go back and forth to day care each day. The week before you head back to work practice getting up and getting you and baby both ready by the time you would need to leave for work. A few nights before you head back after baby goes to bed, practice packing all your child’s items in her bag (including making any bottles) so you know how long it will take each night.
Use our baby daycare checklist to make sure your child is prepared for his day.
Sheets, swaddles and sleep sacks. Some day care centers require that you provide crib sheets and it is best to start with one your baby has slept on for one night at home. Your baby will notice the familiar scent from home, and it can ease the transition to sleeping in the crib at day care. Whether your baby is still being swaddled or has moved onto sleep sacks, send an extra set in the case of a nap time diaper leak.
Diapers, wipes and creams. Start your little one at day care with a full supply of diapers, wipes and creams that you know works best for him. Check on the supply every few days to know when you need to send in refills. Keep a little extra of each in the bag you take back and forth every day in case your supply starts to run low.
Extra pacifier and lovey. Your baby may have a favorite of each that they go back and forth from home to day care with each day, but you also want to have an extra of both at day care. Purchase a lovey that is just like their favorite from home and pack a few extra pacifiers in a clear labeled storage bag for easy access. It is also a good idea to keep an extra lovey at home in case their favorite gets left at day care and you don’t realize until bedtime.
Extra clothes. Send a clearly labeled bag with a complete set of a change of clothes. Make sure to check these often to ensure they are still right for the season and temperature. In colder temperatures, be sure to send in extra outerwear including mittens, hats and shoes.
Bibs and burp clothes. Purchase a full set of burp cloths and bibs that can be left at day care and used throughout the week. Keep an extra set of these in your diaper bag to take back and forth each day as these get messy and mixed up easily.
Bottles. You don’t want your nights completely filled with cleaning and preparing bottles, so purchasing an extra set can save you a lot of time. In the evening you can take the dirty bottles from the day at day care and let them run through your dishwasher while you prepare another set for the next day. If you are using formula, don’t forget to send in a little extra powder just in case.
Labels. Purchase a set of dishwasher safe and machine washable labels. Before baby’s first day, spend a night labeling all the items that will be going to day care with your baby and keep extra labels for new things that need to be sent throughout the year. This set from Mabel’s Labels has just what you need to get started.
Mabel’s Labels Day Care Label Pack
Don’t stress too much! You will quickly get into a routine of unpacking and packing the day care bag each night so you can focus on getting extra snuggles in the morning before heading out.
Personally I think an extra diaper bag is excessive. At my daycare the babies have their own drawers and bins for an extra set of clothes, diapers and wipes. These items were left at school and only replenished as needed. Bottles could be brought in a grocery bag (it’s only coming from the house to daycare) or insulated bag. As for loveys due to regulations these aren’t allowed in cribs. I rarely saw parents bring loveys in except for the initial days when having a parents scent helped daycare teachers feed the baby. More bottles could be helpful, but before you know it your baby will use a sippy cup. Six bottles worked for us. One at home in the morning, 4 sent to daycare (usually only 3 were used) and one ready to go at home in the evening.
I always had a cheaper bag (bookbag) I dropped off. It helped alot. That bag is used whenever baby is away from me. So if I leave with a relative or daycare or even dad that bag is stocked with what baby needs. Diaper bag is with me and acts as my purse. I am baby three this was a nice refresher.
Thomas Jameson
It’s good to know that you need to drop your baby off at daycare with a full supply of diapers. My wife wants to go back to work soon, so we’ll need to use daycare for our daughter. We’ll be looking further into the items we need to drop off with her int he future.
Afton Jackson
My sister has been having a rough time taking care of her 2-year-old son while she’s still finishing up the last of her work before vacation and I want to help her out. I appreciated it when you suggested putting labels on the baby’s items because my sister is very particular about what her child eats and drinks so she would definitely need these to ensure that her child gets exactly what she planned him to eat. I’ll be showing this article to my sister so she can be prepared to take her kid to a care center until her workload is done. Thanks!
Lanell Smith
Hi I’m returning to school for my Associates Degree. I have my earlier childhood 1. I want have my own center infant only 6weeks to 1 yrs of age. So trying get my list together. Advise please
Deborah M. Hartnett
Thanks for Nice and Informative Post. This article is really contains lot more information about This Topic. We have read your all the information some points are good . Great post I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this interesting and knowledgeable article.
Tex Hooper
I agree that you should get dishwasher safe materials. I need to get a couple of bottles for my kids. They always need spares at daycare.