My two girls have shared a room since the younger of the two was only 18 months old. We had to make room for their baby brother, which meant re-configuring a nursery into a shared room. Now that the girls are even older (ages 8 and 9), their room needed to grow with their needs again, and I couldn’t be happier with the result.

The girls are at the ages now where they need their own work space, and to be quite honest, I was tired of them taking over my dining table with all their gear! I sourced these amazing floating wall desks, which quickly solved my biggest problem. My girls’ beds have trundle beds below them that pull out for when we need extra space for visiting friends or family. I didn’t want to have to move a desk out of the way each time I needed to pull them out.

I found matching (and inexpensive) desk chairs that are lightweight and easy to move around if I need. I added in blush pink desk accessories, an aqua desk lamp, and a rose gold stapler and tape dispenser. I found matching colorful storage boxes and put those on top as well.

One thing I love about these floating desks is that they give each of my girls a place to call her own in a room where almost everything is shared. They can express a bit of themselves.

I found these glitter snow globes where you can add in your own photos, and I put in a recent photo of our kids on a ski trip.

At Trader Joe’s, I found these perfectly pink succulents to add a bit of living greenery!

We also replaced an old baby changing table that the girls were sharing and using as a dresser with two new dressers since their clothes are also growing in size. I kept the same painted frame wall decor that has existed in this room every since Ariella had it as her nursery!

My girls LOVE their new floating desks! My favorite thing is how this room has evolved and changed through the years with my kids! (See it as a nursery and as a shared little girl room.)

And I love having my dining room back! It’s a win for everyone!

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