DIY Wooden Wall Hooks. Let’s Get Ready for Fall.

Summer is slowly coming to an end. We are taking a break from way too many wet bathing suits and late movie nights to a more structured schedule. Gearing to the fall weather has got me thinking about fun ideas to organize the house for the new season. So, I decided to make a couple of adorable, fun and modern-looking wooden wall hooks for jackets, bags and more.

DIY Wooden Hooks Tutorial - Project NurseryMATERIALS: 1.5 inch dowel rod, masking tape, assorted paint and dowel screws

DIY Wooden Hooks Tutorial - Project Nursery

1. Start by cutting the dowel rod into pieces measuring 7.5 inches in length. Then, cut one of the ends of each piece at a 45-degree angle. Sand it lightly. Once you have all the pieces you want, mask the end of the dowel rod like picture 1.

2. Once the masking tape is in place, paint the hooks the color that best works with your space. You can also leave the hooks as they are, in their natural wood color.

3. Once the paint has dried, unmask the hook like picture 3 above. Then, move the masking tape down and paint the edge part a different color. I played around with the pieces I had. Some have two tones of green paint, and some mix paint and wood stain.

4. Once the paint has dried, it is time to insert the dowel screws. Using a drill, insert half of the dowel screw into the hook. Note that (this is very important) the screw has to be placed at an angle, like picture 4.

All that is left is to attach the actual hook to the wall. For drywall installation, spin the finished hooks into a drywall anchor. Since I was installing these hooks on an Ipe paneling wall, anchors were not needed.

DIY Wooden Hooks Tutorial - Project Nursery

DIY Wooden Hooks Tutorial - Project NurseryLittle Peaks Wall Decal

I loved how it turned out so much that I will be using the remaining hooks on two different projects I have coming up soon. So, what do you say, will you give it a try? To see more DIY projects visit us here.



Trendy Peas

Trendy Peas

Patchi Cancado is the creative director and co-founder of Trendy Peas—an online boutique focusing on home goods for little ones and their grown up versions. She lives in Virginia with her husband and three kids. When she is not spending time with her family, she is in her studio designing her next home good.

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