How to Make a Charming and Inexpensive Photo Display for the Nursery

Oh, those precious little feet. That sweet smell. The tiny hands. Those dearest little moments with a newborn come and go at lightning speed. Before you know it, they are sitting up, then they are crawling, and then driving a car, right? How to cherish and really enjoy every little bit of life with an infant is what I call the art of motherhood. So this week, I put together a DIY photo display, just so we could freeze time and show those special seconds.

diy photo display

Seeing Stars Wallpaper

MATERIALS: Two copper cabinet knobs, five copper and white binder clips, one white twine. I got all of my materials while browsing Target’s office and home section.

diy photo display materials

Making this photo display may take you only about 15 minutes once you have all the materials in hand. The first thing to do is attach the white string to one of the copper knobs. Once the string is securely attached to the first knob, weave in one of the binder clips. Note that to avoid the clip from sliding back and forth, you must weave in the string again making a loop as shown in the photo below.

diy photo display instructions

Repeat that step with the remaining clips and adjust them onto the string as you wish. After you have all clips in place, attach the end of the string to the second cabinet knob. To install the copper knobs to the wall, you will need to use a hanger bolt so you first attach it to the knob and then install it to the wall. Now all that is left to do is start gathering your favorite baby pictures.

Valley Pillow ::: Seeing Stars Wallpaper

Feel free to adjust the length of your string as it best suits your space. You can also try making two photo displays and install them like two decorative photo garlands. Enjoy!





Trendy Peas

Trendy Peas

Patchi Cancado is the creative director and co-founder of Trendy Peas—an online boutique focusing on home goods for little ones and their grown up versions. She lives in Virginia with her husband and three kids. When she is not spending time with her family, she is in her studio designing her next home good.

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