DIY Gift Wrap—Let the Fun Begin!

Ready to start wrapping some presents? It may seem pretty daunting when you have lots of gifts on your to-do-list. However, with this creative and elegant DIY gift wrap idea, we promise you that this is, in fact, the most wonderful time of the year. What do you say? Let’s make those gifts look oh-so-pretty and very, very special!

DIY Gift Wrap

Materials: Kraft paper roll, black paint, paint brush, white string, 1/2″ copper couplings, greenery

DIY Gift Wrap Supplies

Lay a roll of Kraft paper on the floor and start dabbing your black dots randomly. Once you get tired of the dots, go ahead and switch to a different pattern. We chose a triangle motif in addition to the dots because triangles are still trending and they are super easy to draw.

DIY Gift Wrap

Wait for the paint to dry and then wrap your presents with your DIY gift wrap. For a final touch, add white string adorned with the copper couplings and greenery to create a beautiful contrast with the Kraft paper.

DIY Gift Wrap

DIY Gift Wrap

Trendy Peas

Trendy Peas

Patchi Cancado is the creative director and co-founder of Trendy Peas—an online boutique focusing on home goods for little ones and their grown up versions. She lives in Virginia with her husband and three kids. When she is not spending time with her family, she is in her studio designing her next home good.


  1. Allen

    December 11, 2016

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  2. Patchi Cancado

    December 12, 2016

    Hi Allen,
    Thanks for the kind words!
    We will check you out and get back to you.

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