If you’re looking for a new recipe for your little one this spring, this is the perfect combination. Carrot and banana puree is a yummy, healthy and easy-to-prepare Easter treat for your little bunny.
This stage one baby food recipe is suitable for babies 6 months and up. Always make sure the consistency of your baby’s food is one she can handle. Before combining foods, make sure your baby has tried each one individually first with no reaction to it.
Carrot and Banana Puree
(makes about 10 oz.)
Note: Use organic ingredients whenever possible.
1 large, ripe banana
3 large carrots—washed, peeled and chopped
Steam the carrots for 10 minutes. Place the carrots and banana into your blender or food processor. Pulse until smooth.
Carrot and banana puree will stay fresh in an airtight container for up to three days in the fridge and up to three months in the freezer. Enjoy!