Choosing four rooms and parties we love is standard practice, but there are some weeks in which the quality of the projects in the gallery is so exceptional that we break our own rule. There were so many fantastic and fabulous—and mostly feminine—rooms this week that we decided to select four spaces, and the party project that we adore is perfect for your little man. Whether you have sons or daughters, get ready to be inspired, and don’t forget to “like” your favorite by Monday!
Elliot and Emerson’s Twin Girl Nursery by hbendall
Miss Sawyer’s Wyoming-Inspired Nursery by tkhansen
Red and Aqua Twin Bedroom by lizcarrollinteriors
Cooper’s Transitional Nursery by Laurie Chattin-Jones
Minecraft-Inspired Birthday Party by JessieGozevich
Which one do you “like”? Click the “like” button at the top of the gallery page of your favorite project to make your selection. We will reveal the fan favorite on Monday after 9am PDT/12pm EDT.