Little Helper FunPod

When you thought about what it would be like to be a parent, I bet one idyllic scene you imagined was you and your little one working side by side mixing up a yummy batch of cookies, all smiles and happiness. When your toddler finally gets old enough to help in this childhood rite of passage, the reality hits.

It’s like an Olympic event of parenting—one hand on the bowl to keep your little one from knocking it over, one hand on his back or shoulder to make sure he doesn’t step right off the chair without thinking, all while those busy little hands are trying to grab everything nearby on the counter. Whew! It’s exhausting and anxiety-inducing (at least for me). Enter the Little Helper FunPod, which truly lives up to its Little Helper name.

Little Helper FunPod

Available from Luca & Company, a children’s shop that searches the globe for the most innovative products and makes them available to North America, the FunPod allows your child to be counter height all while keeping him or her safely enclosed by four walls. The front wall is chest high so your little one can’t lean too far and reach for, say the knives or electrical outlets. Knowing that your child isn’t going to suddenly topple off the chair really frees the two of you up to enjoy your time making, creating or cooking together. Believe me, kids well into their threes can still sidestep off a chair without even thinking about it.

The FunPod’s floor slides out and can be adjusted to different heights very easily to ensure that your child stands in it at the right level. Make sure you keep changing the height as your child keeps growing. It’s simple to put together. I was able to do it by myself. It feels sturdy and stable, and my kids love being able to be in the action without me hovering over them or constantly reminding them to be careful about where they are standing. It also comes in a variety of colors to suit your preference.

Toddlers can be notoriously picky eaters, but I’ve found if my son helps me cook something, he is much more likely to try it. Does that trick work for you?

Be sure to check out the rest of Luca & Company’s collection of innovative products, including play carpets, work stations and even a FunPod highchair!

To ensure this product fit our readers’ needs,
Project Nursery received a sample for review.



Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.


  1. Evelyn

    August 11, 2013

    And just when you thought they couldn’t possibly think of anything new, here comes this one!

  2. Zen

    August 13, 2013

    This is helpful, but I don’t really find it necessary to buy one just so I can have my kid help me in the kitchen.

  3. Jillian Scotts

    August 19, 2013

    Well, if you have money to burn, why not, right? LOL

  4. KirstinD

    September 4, 2013

    Well, if I were to get something from Luca and Company, I’d be getting the high chair.

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