Vroom! Vroom! Believe me, it’s just a matter of time before you hear that sound come out of your little one’s mouth—boy or girl. Some kids are more vehicle obsessed than others, but almost all kids enjoy them. Check out these plane, train and automobile nurseries and toddler rooms!

Daniel’s Vintage Airplane Nursery by mltrotta

Train Theme Kid’s Room by Little Crown Interiors
Luke’s Vintage Truck Nursery by The Unglamorous Mommy
Tasha Cune
Lovely, lovely rooms you featured here. I think airplanes and trains have a certain charm to them. And they’re classic themes.
That train artwork above the bed in the second room is just stunning. Definitely the focal point of the room.
I think Luke’s Vintage Truck Nursery is just really nice. Garrett’s is also cute and simple.
I really love that mom and baby giraffe artwork in the last room. So cute and heartwarming.