Giveaway: Win A Windows Phone 7 ($500 value)

Looking to do more with less? Check out our DIY fabric roller shade example from last week. And then don’t forget to enter to win your own Windows Phone 7 by commenting on any of our posts published this week or next. Details can be found below…

WIN IT! Microsoft is giving away their new, amazing Windows Phone 7 to one lucky Project Nursery reader – a $500 value! Discover Windows Phone 7 and tell us how you can do more with less or tell us why you really, really want this phone to enter. NOW HERE’S THE NEW PART SO PAY ATTENTION: Contest begins Monday, November 15th and runs through Monday, November 29th, 2010 at 11:59pm PST. Comment on ANY PN post (and we post multiple time daily here) to enter through the 29th. A winner will be chosen via and will have 5 days from time of notification to respond. Official contest rules can be found here.


This giveaway is brought to you by the new Windows Phone 7. Learn more about Windows Phone online and see it in person at local T-Mobile stores today.

CONTEST CLOSED – Congrats Bryan Fly!


Melisa Fluhr

Melisa Fluhr

With a passion for decorating and design, it was Melisa's experience as a first time mom, that inspired her to start Project Nursery.


  1. sarah

    November 19, 2010

    it would be nice to have a smart phone!

  2. Meghan

    November 19, 2010

    I would love this phone b/c mine aggravates me, and I already have a TMobile contract. Thanks!!

  3. Sarah

    November 19, 2010

    I would love a smart phone! I’ve dropped my old phone so many times – I could definitely use a replacement.

  4. Ducky

    November 19, 2010

    Whenever I get mail, I am typically very disappointed. It is usually junk mail, with the occasional “suspicious package.” What I usually do is keep a sort of “incinerator” out back to burn all of my junk mail. Great way to do less with more!

  5. Rachael

    November 19, 2010

    This would be an amazing phone to have. It would help me to be more organized with my schedule and help me to remember things. I feel like I need to right notes about everything in order to remember, this could just give me a reminder whenever I needed it.

  6. Bryan

    November 19, 2010

    What a great gift, right in time for the holidays! I would love to have this to help keep track of my busy life. :)

  7. BT

    November 19, 2010

    I am more so I need less.

  8. Crystal

    November 19, 2010

    Wow. Winning this phone would be amazing!! Wish I could enter more than once per day, but I did read the rules. :)

  9. Toni Keltner

    November 19, 2010

    I have an old-school flip phone and would love to have a new, updated phone! Having a smart phone would help me save time! I could check my e-mail via my phone, take pics of my two little ones, browse Project Nursery for amazing ideas, search the internet for new recipes and so, so much more. Since becoming a stay-at-home mom, money is tight, so winning a new phone would be a huge blessing! :)

  10. Katy Mabbitt

    November 19, 2010

    Boy, do we do more with less around here. 8 years ago my sister started giving me the outgrown clothes of my 11 year old niece, Lia, and 8 year old niece, Ava so I could store them for potential future use.

    Lia got first crack at the items then onto the Ava year old. As Ava outgrew items they went into rubbermaid containers in my garage. Jammies, onsies, sweaters, shoes, winter coats….everything! All of it neatly organized by ages/sizes. I stored it all against the mere possiblity that someday I would have a daughter. No way was I going to let all that baby and kid’s clothing gold go to waste.

    3 years ago a good friend of mine gave birth to a little girl. That’s where the clothing co-op really got rolling. Her daughter, Chloe, gets regular installments of gently used clothing from my garage. As Chloe grows out of things they come back to me for use by my daughter, Libby who is about 2 years old. But, it doesn’t stop there. Chloe has a little sister, Norah, who is just 1. So back the clothes go.

    The newest addition, Addy, is the daughter of another friend. Addy came so early that she has needed preemie clothes for her first few months. So, she hasn’t gotten into the goodies very much yet, but they are waiting for her when she needs them.

    I can’t begin to quanitify how much money and how many headaches we have saved by keeping this clothing legacy alive. Each of us adds to the bounty periodically because who can resist adding a cutey patooty little girl outfit from time to time. We also purge ruined items each time items move from one house to another. The result is a gold mine of convienence and frugality.

    It would be awesome to win a Windows phone, but mostly I just wanted to post this to encourage anyone with the storage space to do the same as I did. We have clothed 6 little ladies so far…who knows how far we will go.

  11. Dele O

    November 19, 2010

    I’m all about replacing my stone-age phone with a revolutionary one. And I’m sure with it, i’ll be doing more in less time. Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. Kandi

    November 19, 2010

    I’ve been using my broken phone since Christmas 2009! This would definitely, DEFINITELY be an awesome win!

    For “less is more”–we cloth diaper! It’s awesome, we save SO much landfill space, our kids never have rashes AND they potty train sooner! That’s DEFINITELY more for less! [Plus, they’re super cute and easy to use!]

  13. Jearv

    November 20, 2010

    Whoo! It would be awesome to win this phone. I’ve been tight on the mony lately so my friends have been going to free art fairs/concerts instead of going to the movies and a restaurant. Same fun while saving money ha, less is more!

  14. Dele O

    November 20, 2010

    Calendars are a huge help. And the Outlook Quickstep is a great shortcut tool that helps me quickly create some of my common tasks, appointments, and emails while on the go. The win phone 7 will be a great mobile tool to aid in this

  15. Celeste

    November 20, 2010

    oh yeah! I’m determined to win this! I LOVE that twitter (in particular) updates behind-the-scenes… always ready for twitter-obsessed-me to pop-in & see what’s happening!

  16. Alison F.

    November 20, 2010

    I really, really need this phone. My life is in shambles! Organization must be mine!

  17. Lucy S

    November 20, 2010

    Oh, the time and backaches I could save with one of these! My most valuable “less is more” tactic was teaching myself how to cut my own hair, progressing to my family. We all get the styles we want and save a ton of money.

  18. Brooke T

    November 21, 2010

    This phone looks awesome

  19. Sharon

    November 21, 2010

    I do more for much less by hitting the garage sales and thrift stores for much of the basics, and yep, using coupons and shopping online steals and deals.

  20. Turtle Mom

    November 21, 2010

    I need organization in my life and this phone would be so much help!

  21. Dele O

    November 21, 2010

    I do more with less by spending my time wisely with family, friends, and loved ones.

  22. aimee c.

    November 21, 2010

    thanks for so many chances to win!

  23. Erica Best

    November 22, 2010

    i have a sidekick and i would love a new phone please

  24. Dele O

    November 22, 2010

    I’m all about doing more with less by using free tools such as the Google calendar to organize my day, week, month, year…need I go on!!!

  25. Larissa

    November 22, 2010

    Having a Windows Phone 7 would help me to do a LOT more with less :)

  26. Sharon

    November 22, 2010

    My more for less: Bake family goodies instead of buying storebought. Make extra and freeze for later. Do the same for meals: cook more, freeze extras.

  27. Jearv

    November 22, 2010

    Since I’m in college I definitely can do more with the money I save from buying used books instead of new ones by searching online sites like eBay or the used book stores in town. It really helps cut costs and sometimes the books have notes in them! I can spend more on clothes and food and less on books!
    It would be awesome to win this phone! My phone is literally breaking apart!

  28. Jessica

    November 23, 2010

    I would love to give my hubby this smart phone! He has been dreaming of one and it would be great to see his face Christmas morning if it were in his stocking!!!!!!!

  29. kristin

    November 23, 2010

    I’m doing more with less sleep! I am almost 24 weeks pregnant, i have a sick almost 2 year old, and I’m in charge of getting the family ready to make an 8+ hour trip to the inlaws for thanksgiving. But somehow, I’m getting more done than ever before.

  30. Nancy J.

    November 23, 2010

    would sure be nice to win such an up to date phone

  31. Andrea S

    November 23, 2010

    I would love to have a Windows Phone 7 it would help me to do a LOT more with less work!

  32. allison

    November 23, 2010

    this would be such a nice tool to have. way out of my budget which would make it nice to win one!

  33. Ingrid

    November 23, 2010

    More or less, I want this phone. Entering comps like this definitely can get you more for less. If you are a jockey, you can definitely win more if you have less weight. Also, if you’re backpacking, you can see a lot more if you have a lot less stuff to haul. If you are diabetic, you can have more life if you have less sugar.
    Personally, i will be a way cooler person with this phone in my pocket.
    Ps. Thanks for the giveaway!

  34. Dele O

    November 23, 2010

    I do more with less by using awesome phone apps. There are many useful, fun, and creative apps out there that help make life a little bit easier to manage.

  35. Sharon

    November 23, 2010

    Doing more with less means creating a tight budget and sticking to it, avoiding impulse buys, and saving for rainy days. Peace of mind generates productivity.

  36. Meagan Paullin

    November 23, 2010

    This would ROCK my SOCKS!!! I need a phone like this so bad. It would help me keep up with my new baby, the two nephews I do childcare for, while being a full time college student!!!

  37. Alison F.

    November 23, 2010

    I do more with less clutter and time by cleaning the house during commercial breaks.

  38. Dusty B

    November 24, 2010

    We coupon as a family and use the internet to search for recipes that have 5 ingredients or less or costs under $10!

  39. Marcus W.

    November 24, 2010

    i do more with less by having access to the internet and youtube. both contain a wealth of how-to information and videos that it makes service people and “experts” obsolete. peace out.

  40. Dele O

    November 24, 2010

    Doing more with less means keeping your cars as long as possible especially when they are paid off.

  41. Jearv

    November 24, 2010

    One example of me doing more with less is carpooling with friends to school (when I don’t take the train). Being college students, we’ll save all the money we can and it’s so convenient that I have a group of friends that all live pretty close! It’s fun to see each other in the mornings, ha and eat breakfast on the go. It’d be so awesome to win! The commercials are funny and kinda true haha!

  42. Schmidty

    November 24, 2010

    Doing more for less means buying a gently used car that’s been cared for and maintaining it carefully for another ten years.

  43. Jearv

    November 25, 2010

    This might be a little too simple, but I do more with less by always having my laptop with me. Nowadays, since I’m in college, it seems like everything is being moved online, from turning essays in to math homework. It definitely helps me do more when I have free time and I have less stuff to carry around!

  44. Dele O

    November 25, 2010

    Doing more for less is all about doing dishes before, during, and after thanksgiving dinner. Saves a lot of time the next day.

    P.S. happy thanksgiving

  45. Schmidty

    November 25, 2010

    More for less: Host a get together with your friends and have a clothes swap …exchange your don’t-likes and never-worns for things you can use. Everybody wins!

  46. Vicki Wurgler

    November 26, 2010

    I need a new phone and the $500 value does not fit into my budget

  47. Schmidty

    November 27, 2010

    My grandmother taught me to “save steps”. During chore time around the house, always have something with you to be returned or replaced as you move from area to area and room to room.

  48. Ivan

    November 27, 2010

    Would replace my old messenger phone on t mobile!

  49. Jearv

    November 27, 2010

    One example of me doing more with less is simply turning off and unplugging electronics and appliances. Sometimes people forget and it adds up to the costs. As time goes by, spending a few little seconds on turning appliances off can really make a difference and save more money, more money to spend on stuff I want! I only turn things on when I need to! Phone looks awesome!

  50. Jearv

    November 28, 2010

    One way we do more with less is with leftovers. Especially during Thanksgiving time. An example would be using ham for lunch sandwiches and using the leftover turkey for quesadillas or my favorite turkey and tortilla soup! Phone looks great!

  51. Turtle Mom

    November 28, 2010

    This phone would help keep me organized so that I can do more with less!

  52. Schmidty

    November 28, 2010

    Doing more for less means delegating more responsibilities to the kids so my time can be used more productively.

  53. Erica Best

    November 29, 2010

    i really need a new phone and the only way im getting one is to win one thanks for the giveaway and good luck everyone .

  54. k8t

    November 29, 2010

    Been needing to upgrade my phone. This will be a great way to do it.

  55. Jearv

    November 29, 2010

    I do more with less by combining my errands into one drive and trip so I save gas. An example would be going to the store, post office and barbershop in one trip, rather than going at different times of the week. This way, I can do more with the money I have because of the less money I have to spend on gas!

  56. andrea d

    November 29, 2010

    more with less for me is about using coupons and trying to get the best deal. I always ask myself..Do I really need this?? And If so can I wait until it goes on sale. I have saved so much using coupons which has helped me to have extra money to get other things that I need

  57. Schmidty

    November 29, 2010

    More for less mean having an emergency kit in my car when I travel, and also carrying our own snacks and drinks so that we don’t have to make expensive stops.

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