“My life at the time was consumed by a toddler who figured out that the diaper changing pad under her was just as fun as the playground slide. With feet firmly planted on the changing station, and with one big push, off she went. Well, not entirely off the station, but enough to make my heart stop.” – Celeste
My heart just skipped a beat reading Celeste Stallings’ motivation for inventing the AMAZING Lili’s Bebe Changing Pad. So many of us can relate. Can’t you just envision the not-so-clean public bathroom, a mandatory diaper change and the sliding and kicking that takes place . I personally gave up with my non-potty trained two year old. Now I just wipe down the gross public changing station and do a diaper switch-a-roo with lightening speed and determination.
Here’s my gripe with the typical changing pad: They are small, they slide and the last time I attempted to machine wash one (popular brand to remain nameless) it shriveled in the dryer and now looks like hell. Granted, it should never have been put in the dryer or even machine washed but I wasn’t thinking properly. Now take everything I just said and be confident that this isn’t the case with the Lili’s Bebe changing pad.
Each Lili’s Bebe Pad is plush and lightweight. The top layer is “minky” (the super soft material you find in many crib bumpers and blankets these days). The non-slip backing is soft, flexible, durable and eco-friendly. The size is large to accommodate a toddler and best of all, machine washable and dryer safe! I look forward to sharing Lili’s Bebe Pads with my friends as new baby and shower gifts. It’s a must have and something you can now win! Here’s how to enter:
WIN IT: By commenting on this post with your favorite Lili’s Bebe Pad design or your best public diaper changing story! Contest ends April 10th, 2009 at 11:59pm PST
1. Subscribe or let us know you are a subscriber with a comment.
2. Post on our Forum and comment.
3. Blog it and comment.
4. Twitter, Facebook (join our fan page!), Stumble or just share it and comment.
*Please comment separately for each.
CONTEST CLOSED – Congrats to Robin!
Love the dark pink Bebe Pad. So cute.
Well recently I was on a trip to Cody, Wyo to see my Great Gram before she passed. We stopped to change the kiddos, stretch, etc. and the biggest place in the town to stop was WAL MART! JOY! Our toddler has recently pottied and leaked through her diaper something fierce. So I take her into the family bathroom at the back of the store to change her. Her leggings are soaked. I am always amazed at how this happens when she was changed not all that long ago! I get her all cleaned up and realize the only diapers I have belong to Olivia {4 months old} size 1!!!
So I still put it on her, wash up and have to head to the baby dept like this. So here she is wearing a sweater dress and a too small diaper with one cheek hanging out and of course today would be the day she wont just let her legs hang down and needs to show the world what a shameful mother I am!
End of the story. I ended up buying new diapers and new pants and going all the way back to the bathroom to start all over again! Its not completely disgusting or anything but it was seriously the biggest charade and really kinda funny seeing her in the teeny tiny diaper!
Crystal Fernandez
I love this one!
I love the Yellow/Blue/Lime Multi Dot.
I’m also a subscriber on Bloglines. I’ve also tweeted it – https://twitter.com/sholland :)
Love the lime chenile! What a handy item!
I’m also a subscriber
Never met a chenille I didn’t like! The lime one is delicious!
I like the Blue/Brown/Mocha Multi Dot design. I don’t have any public changing stories yet since I have not taken the twins out but my littlest one is a shooter and no matter how fast I try to be to cover him, he gets me every time.
I subscribe via email.
Hillary Hiler
I subscribed by email and here’s my most recent diaper changing story…
After a long day of house hunting with my grandmother (our realtor), we went to eat at Mason Jar. I could smell that my son needed a diaper change and so after we got settled at our table, I picked him up and took him to the ladies room to change him. First, there was no changing station, so I dried off the counter in between the 2 sinks, laid his changing mat down and begin to unsnap his clothing. It was then that I noticed he had had a blowout! So I began cleaning him up, got a new diaper, and changed his clothes. I was about to pick him up and carry him out when I happened to glance in the full length mirror on the wall to my right….my entire hip area was covered in poop! Of course, I was wearing a light pink shirt, so it showed up rather well. All I could do was stick the end of my shirt under the faucet & wipe it off. Of course it would have been too convenient for them to have an air dryer, but alas all they had was paper towels. (Mind you my son is still laying on the counter, so I had to keep one hand on him the whole time.) So I dried as much as I could, scooped up my son and went back to our table. I spent the rest of the meal with poop on my shirt. My husband thought it was funny, but my grandmother felt my pain having been there before. And that is the story of my “crappy dinner!”
Marie N
Don’t have any unusual diapering stories to share…mine have been fairly uneventful to date. I love the http://lilibebe.com/collection/brownbluedotminky.html. Although we have a girl I am so tired of anything pink.
Marie N
I am an email subscriber to Project Nursery Daily.
michelle m
I love the dark pink.,…thanks
michelle m
email subscriber
michelle m
stumbled yzgirl4
I love the blue, brown, and Mocha multi dot!!
I subscribe!!
My favorite is the Yellow/Blue/Lime Multi Dot changing pad. These are all such pretty patterns and colors
email subscriber
Hi! I subscribe to your e-mail and love getting the updates. I’m going to post this on facebook as well!
I love the Minky dark pink!
I just became a fan on Facebook! :-)
I just blogged about it: http://www.creativelycrazy.blogspot.com. :-)
The lime chenille looks nice and cozy. I once flew with my then 1 year old on a commuter jet with a tiny bathroom and no place to change a child. Right after takeoff he screamed “I pooped!” whoever didn’t smell it by then knew and he had to sit in it the rest of the flight!
I’m a subscriber
I love the lime chenille. Perfect for my toddler daughter and my newborn son! :)
I like the Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot the best.
And I’m a subscriber! :)
I am a subscriber.
Light Blue Chenille is really pretty!
AND… I just became a fan on Facebook. Funny, I thought I already was. :)
I love the pink, lavender, and lime!
love the lime chenille :) perfect for boy or girl
Love the Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
My favorite print is the Color: Yellow/Blue/Lime Multi Dot . Thanks for the great giveaway.
my favorite design is the Yellow/Blue/Lime Multi Dot
I like the Yellow/Blue/Lime Multi Dot!
I subscribe.
Emily B.
Does the giveaway really end in 2010??
My favourite design is the Lime Chenille, it looks so soft!
Emily B.
I subscribe
(with email address ebickell (at) hotmail (dot) com)
Emily B.
I blogged:
Sara Berryman
Sara Berryman
Love the pink, lavender, & lime multi dot!
Zoe Lee
These are adorable..love the polka dots.
Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot
thanks for the contest.
Zoe Lee
I am a subscriber.
Zoe Lee
Became a fan on facebook and posted the contest to my profile :) Z
I have subscribed.
Although I love the brown and blue dots, I think the blue chenille is my absolute favorite!
I subscribe to your blog through bloglines.
I am partial to green, so my fav is the Yellow/Blue/Lime Multi Dot
I am a subscriber
the brown, mocha, and blue dots is my fave.
Vicki Wurgler
I like the Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot
i like the yellow/blue/lime multi dot. these look so soft!
happy day!
I love the Blue/Brown/Mocha Multi Dot.
email subscriber
love this: Light Blue Chenille
I love the Pink/lavender/lime multi dot!!!
First of all, Bravo! to the woman who designed this pad. Genius! And now, my own tale of woe in a public restroom with a toddler.
It was an overcast day, several years ago, when I was visiting the ‘rents with my own sweet toddler. Bella(who is now 6) was no more than 2, wearing diapers, but so not cooperating when it was time to “freshen up”. I had taken her into a public middle school building, where her Gma is still an 8th grade science teacher.
During this particular visit, it began to rain outside, but it didn’t worry me ’cause I had a fully stocked diaper bag over my shoulder, a wonderful MIL, and several hundred wanna be sitters to help me keep my little angel happy until the storm passed. Then it started raining harder, and harder, and hail started.
That was when the school officials decided we all had to go down to the cafeteria for safety reasons. Picture it with me now, all the teachers, school staff, several hundred students, and did I mention the students visiting from other schools ’cause it was UIL? We were all packed into a room that couldn’t be more than 500 square feet. It was loud, crowded, and very public.
Then I smelled it. My angel had made a deposit in her hated diaper and it needed changing soon. No way was I changing her on a cafeteria table, and the only other rooms were the kitchen, where I wasn’t allowed, and two middle school bathrooms, certainly not baby-friendly, as they have no need to be.
*SIGH* So, I did the only thing I could. I asked the girls in the ladies room to please excuse me for a few minutes, asked my MIL to guard the door, and stripped. Yup, there was no way I was setting my baby on a grimy public school bathroom floor! I took my t-shirt off, put it down, laid Bella on top of that, and proceeded into battle. Throughout the changing, she insisted that she hadn’t pood, and didn’t need to be changed, loudly, and to much giggling from outside the door. I am sure that during that struggle my shirt did not remain clean, ’cause after finding a bag to tie up the used diaper in later, I could still smell it long after throwing away that bag.
I am on baby number 3 now, I hope I never have to resort to a nasty bathroom floor diaper change again, but if I do, please send me one of those adorable Bebe Changing Pads! Call me a purist, I like the white. :)
Little Apple Design LA
I love when our readers provide stories! But Briana – you not only deserve a pad but a medal for what you went through! Oh, the great lengths a mom will go too! Good luck in the contest and thanks!
Oh my Briana… you are such a trooper! Holy cow, that’s quite the story!! :)
I’m a subscriber to this wonderful site… great giveaway!! :)
The Lime Chenille Bebe Changing Pad is my favorite color/design! I like the soft chenille with the non-slip backing. Please enter me in your delightful giveaway drawing.
Many thanks…..Cindi
I am a happy subscriber to your site. Thanks, Cindi
“Tweet!” http://twitter.com/cmh512/1450524785.
Again, thanks…..Cindi
joyce mikulasko
I subscribe
joyce mikulasko
I love the pink,lavender,lime multidot
susan varney
i like the light blue Chenille
I like the pink, lavender, lime multidot. Too cute!
Lauren Nguyen
I like the lime chenille. So cute!
My favorite Lili’s Bebe Pad design is Light Blue.
I tweeted. http://twitter.com/susanlanai/status/1453864502
I like the lime chenille!
I like the Color: Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot
amy p.
I love the Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot. I went dinner and shopping at the mall with my friend first my daughter shot poop up her back so i ran to the mall and grabbed her some more pants then we were shopping 20min later she let some gas go and ended up pooping up her back AGAIN! I gave up and went home.
amy p.
I follow on twitter and tweeted. 1amypugmire
amy p.
I subscribe.
shannon Baas
Dark pink minky.
I love the Yellow/Blue/Lime Multi Dot! I have a 6 month old son, so this would be great for us! :)
Tabitha Blue
Wow, looks awesome!! I’ve ran into that too… I hate diaper changing in public restrooms, it’s just not user friendly, but this looks helpful!!! Since we’re hoping for a baby boy soon, I’m loving the blue/brown/mocha polka dot design!!
I like the Lime Chenille it matches my diaper bag well. Looks super soft!
subscriber RSS
tweeted it http://twitter.com/SaraMama
The dark pink minky is so pretty
Lindsey@A Kindred Spirit's Thoughts
LOVE the Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot! It’s so cute. I’m partial to the chenille as well. :-)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Lindsey@A Kindred Spirit's Thoughts
LOVE the Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot! It’s so cute. I’m partial to the chenille as well. :-)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Lindsey@A Kindred Spirit's Thoughts
LOVE the Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot! It’s so cute. I’m partial to the chenille as well. :-)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Lindsey@A Kindred Spirit's Thoughts
LOVE the Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot! It’s so cute. I’m partial to the chenille as well. :-)
Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite pad is the Light Blue Chenille Changing pad. It looks so soft!
Sheila H
I like the Blue/Brown/Mocha Multi Dot! Thanks for the chance!
Sheila H
I subscribed via email!
I like the Blue/Brown/Mocha dots. It looks like a great product.
I like the pink/lavender/lime multidot.
Elaine R
I like the Yellow/Blue/Lime Multi Dot Changing Pad-I like the thickness of these changing pads!
jaime devereaux
oooh id love this!
I love the Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot one, so cute!
Just tweeted the giveaway: http://twitter.com/GiveawayQueen/status/1458056680
amy b
I LOVE THE PINK/LAVENDER/ LIME mult dot one, it’s adorable!
I love the Blue/Brown/Mocha Multi Dot design. Gorgeous!
Tweet! http://twitter.com/ktkatherine/status/1458891277
The pink lavender & green dots is my favorite
I love the Blue/Brown/Mocha Multi Dots and the lavendar/green dots!! So cute!
I love the Yellow/Blue/Lime Multi Dot!
Love this and I am a subscriber =)
Oh, and I love the Yellow/Blue/Lime multi dot one best!
I love the yellow/blue/lime multi dot one! So cute!
kelly clements
lime chenille is my favorite! I subscribe!
Xiomara Reina
My favorite design is the Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot.
Samantha Lemonds
I like the dark pink minky.
I love the Blue/Brown/Mocha Multi Dot pattern!!
My best story… at the public library, just checking out our books… when I hear the rumble.. rumble… rumble in my 7 week-old’s diaper. I knew it was a blowout. I gingerly carried him (while pushing the double-stroller and trying to corral the other 2 kids) to the bathroom, laid him down and reached for a diaper….. oops, must’ve left those at home. So I tried to fashion a diaper with a burp cloth and toilet paper – he peed through that right away. Finally I just stuffed his pants full of toilet paper, put the library bag over his car seat cover and dashed for home!
vicky boackle
i like the pink lavender & green dots design.
I like the pink lavender and green dots design. It will be easy to coordinate.
My husband was changing my son in the car and a little poop turd rolled out and he caught it with his bare hand.
Jennifer Short
I like the Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot
This looks great. Cute design.
Heather H.
I like the Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot.
Yvonne Huff
Dark Pink Minky is my favorite fabric.
Just tweeted the giveaway:
i like the yellow/blue/lime multi dot
Monique Rizzo
Love the Pink,lavender and green dots! Thanks for the chance.
Oh I LOVE the Dark Pink Minky one!
I subscribe!
Kyndra Sherman
My favorite Lili Bebe changing pad design is the blue, brown, mocha multi dot.
themeimlookingfor at yahoo dot com
I would definately pick the lime chenille…so pretty!!
Just tweeted:
Dark Pink Minky
Pink/Lavender/Lime Multi Dot
Melanie D
My favorite design is Light Pink Chenille!
Elizabeth Sprague
Best public diaper changing story. hehehe… you’ll love this :) When my now 2 year old was a newborn we were stopped at a rest stop to change and feed him. My husband decided to change the baby and I wasn’t going to argue with that! He layed the baby on the drivers seat and as he took off the diaper said “Now don’t pee on me!” Right then little baby Michael’s bottom “exploded” with a burst of breastfed baby poop! All over hubby’s seat, steering wheel, his clothes…. I think he actually made it a few feet away from the car. He got some serious distance! But he did not pee on Daddy :) I suppose a Lili’s Bebe changing pad would’ve saved the seat of the truck in that case. I’d love to have one and use it for my youngest!
Elizabeth Sprague
Elizabeth Sprague
Elizabeth Sprague
blogged! Thank you!
I like the blue/brown/mocha dot
Lisa C.
I love the Yellow/Blue/Lime Multi Dot design!
Lisa C.
I’m a subscriber.
Wonderful idea! I love the Blue/Brown/Mocha Multi Dot one.
Yellow/Blue/Lime Multi Dot is the cutest
I HEART the Blue/Brown/Mocha Multi Dot design.
Pin/ lavender/ lime multi-dat would be my choice. I have 3 nieces pregnant now and I know 2 are having girls. Thanks for having the wonderful giveaway.
I love the Lime Chenille…green is one of our favorite colors. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the Dark Pink Minky!
Thank you!
I love the Lime Chenille!
Jennifer Leavitt
i love it
Melissa Butler
My fave is the Yellow/Blue/Lime Multi Dot ~
Jennifer Hedden
the lime chenille
A Casson
blue, brown, mocha multi dot- im a dot kind of person, ty. skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
A Casson
I am already a subscriber.
A Casson
facebook- fan, id-Lia Casson.
Candie L
I like the Dark Pink Minky. Thank you
I like the Blue/Brown/Mocha Multi Dot
tagfromme at gmail dot com
My favorite Lili’s Bebe Pad design is Blue/Brown/Mocha Multi Dot!
I’m a subscriber!
I love the Light Blue Chenille :)
I love the Lime Chenille! It looks so soft and I love the green color!
kayceewilliams at gmail dot com
I’m a subscriber!
kayceewilliams at gmail dot com
I stumbled! (iloveyouhecried)
kayceewilliams at gmail dot com
I like the Light Pink Chenille.
Marcy Strahan
I would choose the Lime Chenille !
Suanne Giddings
My favorite is the White Minky. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!
Marcy Strahan
I subscribe
Lily Kwan
I love the Dark Pink Minky design!
Lily Kwan
I subscribed to your blog.
Donna K
I like the Yellow/Blue/Lime Multi Dot.
Donna K
I am a subscriber.
holly alesi
The changing pads look so soft and comfortable. I would love one!