One of my favorite rainy day activities is to look at old photos of my parents and grandparents. Studying the clothes and hairstyles would transport me back in time. Want to bring that feeling and love of vintage to your tots nursery or bedroom? Petrie Point Designs, LLC is a collection of one-of-a-kind, rare vintage clothing from the 1920s to the 1960s which are “repurposed” and turned into modern works of art. With the nursery in mind and inspired by her childhood summers on Long Island’s North Fork, founder Susan Petrie-Badertscher recently launched Petrie Pint Designs. These framed pieces of vintage infant/children’s clothing and collectibles are a darling addition to the nursery. Both collections blend classic pieces with a modern, whimsical aesthetic, bringing the company’s tag line, “Memories Made Modern,” to life.
Susan says, “Petrie Point designs truly makes what is old new again. Ideal for the nursery/child’s room, a baby shower gift, or just to satisfy your youthful yearning, PPD now has limited edition pint-size designs featuring vintage one-of-a-kind infant and children’s clothing and framed collectibles. From European handmade dresses and playful cowboy-print rompers to worn toys, the pint-size collection will add a touch of whimsy and charm to any interior.”
For a limited time Petrie Point Designs is offering Project Nursery readers a 10% discount on their Pint collection. When ordering call (917) 721-8183 or email them at contact@petriepointdesigns and mention code “Nursery” to receive the discount. Don’t wait, this offer only lasts for two weeks!
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