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    Madeline was granted a few wishes for her birthday, in pink, silver and aqua “because that’s what color wishes are!”

    Paula is a party-loving mom of two terrific kids living on the sunny beaches of Melbourne, Florida. She is the woman behind the frog at Frog Prince Paperie, a printable party shop and blog dedicated to making parties magical!
    Paula is a party-loving mom of two terrific kids living on the sunny beaches of Melbourne, Florida. She is the woman behind the frog at Frog Prince Paperie, a printable party shop and blog dedicated to making parties magical!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Melisa

        November 30, 2011

        Are you kidding, this is incredible Paula!

      2. Paula

        December 1, 2011

        All a labor of love! The birthday girl was exceedingly happy that day. :)

      3. S.Harris

        December 1, 2011

        Gorgeous! Well done! Happy Birthday Miss M!

      4. Kristin

        December 2, 2011

        This is amazing, fantastic job. I can’t imagine why anyone would give this less than 5 stars! It’s brilliant.

      5. MarissaS

        December 5, 2011

        Such a sweet party for your little princess. I like the make-a-wish concept and the blue-and-pink color scheme.

      6. Dandelion

        December 7, 2011

        Oh my, those cookies look so pretty, I’m sure the guests wouldn’t want to eat them! The party really looks beautiful in every aspect.

      7. Jennifer

        January 20, 2012

        This is so beautiful!! What color is the blue on the china cabinet?? I want to do my little girls room in all of these colors

      8. Rachael Johnson

        March 5, 2012

        I love these Colorado! What color and brand is the aqua on the hutch?

      9. Paula

        March 19, 2012

        The color is Krylon Ocean Blue. :)

      10. Shaina

        July 9, 2014

        Where did you find the tea cart???

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