Shop Suggestions

    I designed this nursery for my sister and brother in law’s baby. They aren’t finding out the sex of their baby so it had to be gender neutral. I didn’t want it to have a typical gender neutral color scheme so I chose yellow, turquoise, grey and white for a fresh palette. Their budget was incredibly tight so I found old pieces of furniture and refinished them. Only the crib and rocking chair is new. Some items from my brother in law’s childhood were incorporated into the design for a more meaningful touch. We took out the doors to the closet to open up the space. The inside already had the blue and white wallpaper. Due to time and budget, we decided to just keep it. Luckily it kind of goes with the color palette!

    I currently have 3 nephews and 1 niece. I'm looking forward to seeing my family expanding even more!
    I currently have 3 nephews and 1 niece. I'm looking forward to seeing my family expanding even more!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Bluebird Kisses

        August 16, 2011

        What a beautiful nursery! It can definitely grow with the baby and be a lovely space for years to come!

      2. JeanM1211

        August 16, 2011

        So cute! We aren’t finding out the sex of our baby either and are doing a similar take on our nursery. We bought used furniture to restore, however I’m so scared to do it because my husband and I never have done it before. Was restoring the furniture something you have done before? Any tips would be really appreciated!!! Great job! I hope we are just as successful!

      3. fancynancy

        August 16, 2011

        Bluebird Kisses,

        Thank you! I definitely wanted to give them a space that they baby can grow into. This way a redesign won’t be necessary for years to come!

      4. fancynancy

        August 16, 2011

        Thanks Jean! It’s exciting to not know the sex of the baby but it can make it hard to decorate! Good luck to you! I was hesitant too because I’m not an expert at refinishing furniture at all! Replacing hardware/painting hardware was a piece of cake. I used a combination of paint and spray paint. I hate sanding..but it’s an important step! I also used wood filler to fix up any dents, holes, etc. Invest in a decent paint brush otherwise you get brush hairs falling out and streaky lines. The only problem I’m having is the paint scratches off easily…. I think a coat of sealer should do the trick though. I follow the advice of a DIY blogger that I LOVE. She’s amazing! Here’s a link to her spray painting FAQ’s

        Hope this helps!! Hit me up if you have any further questions!
        Good luck to you and your husband and congratulations!!

      5. Celeste

        August 16, 2011

        Love this nursery. Can you please explain how you added the circles and the abc to the cabinet? Also – did you add the polka dot fabric to the storage bench? Great job!

      6. fancynancy

        August 16, 2011


        Hi Celeste, I found plastic circle place mats at a dollar store and spray painted them grey. Then I used spray adhesive to adhere it to the doors.
        The letters are also from the dollar store which I spray painted and then used velcro to attach them to the circles.

        As for the bench- yes, I painted the bench white, bought foam and wrapped it in the polka dot fabric. For the front of the bench, I simply wrapped the fabric around foam board and then used velcro to attach the panels to the chest.

        Thanks for your comment!

      7. Pam

        August 16, 2011

        This nursery feels so fresh and bright, I really love it! We would love to feature a DIY post from this room. Interested?

      8. Celeste

        August 16, 2011

        Very cool! Going to copy the placemat / letter DIY for sure. Not sure if I can handle the bench! Good job!

      9. fancynancy

        August 16, 2011


        Thanks Pam! Yes, I’m interested! You can email me at with details. Thanks for the opportunity!

      10. Meredith

        August 17, 2011

        Great job and great inspiration for DIY! I love this rocker, I am just saddened to find so far that NOOD only sells the rocker in Canada. So far all other ‘eames’ rockers are too expensive. I think the rocker is a great solution for a small baby’s room, so I’m gonna keep looking though!

      11. fancynancy

        August 17, 2011


        I agree Meredith. We were lucky to have the chair given to them as a gift. Gotta love Grandparents! That chair alone would have eaten their entire budget. Did you know if you pay a one time $10 membership fee at Nood, you get items for 20% off? I’ve also seen them have 50% off sales too from time to time. Good luck hunting! This chair is beautiful. My 2 little nephews love it and my sister is small so this is a great chair for her!

      12. wenbow

        August 17, 2011


      13. Aneta

        February 9, 2012

        You did outstanding job, especially considering tight budget. You can go DIY pro :) And I love light base colors in the nursery. Beautiful, and yes rocker is super cool :)

      14. Lina @ Baby Alerts

        February 9, 2012

        Love the gender neutral suggestion. It is a toughy… to decorate without knowing the gender. You did a great job. I’m also impressed who you pulled this together on a tight budget. Love your creative ideas.

        It certainly will be easy to add to once the child is born and begins to grow.

      15. Nancy

        February 12, 2012


        Thanks Aneta! I love that rocker- I want one! =)

      16. Nancy

        February 12, 2012

        Lina @ Baby Alerts,

        Thanks Lina! You’re right, gender neutral is so hard! And now that she’s a girl, I want to redecorate it with lots of pink!!

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