Have you noticed lately that nurseries are trading cartoon character decor for chic and stately high-design looks? We love that as the trend turns to more sophisticated nurseries, it’s easier than ever to incorporate remarkable works of art previously reserved for other parts of the home. […]
We’re in awe of all the colorful images our readers have been sharing on Instagram! Our #nurserycolor photo contest has received so many amazing entries, and we’ve all been wowed by the inspiration. […]
Here at Project Nursery, we LOVE color! When we’re designing a room, we think color is the key ingredient that transforms the space and brings it alive. So no matter your style, you can always find a color that will help make your space pop! […]
In the past few years, nursery design has greatly expanded from the days of pink or purple for girls and blue or green for boys. Designers and homeowners alike are thinking outside the box, using unique color schemes in their nurseries and children’s rooms. We, of course, think this is a fabulous trend, and thankfully, …
The results are in, and we have a new readers’ favorite. Congratulations to louisakopp for taking a DIY project and turning it into a bright, cheerful nursery. You showed us how to take a gender-neutral vision and execute it into a colorful, happy space while on a budget. Great job! We appreciate everyone’s hard work in …
As nursery designers, we see a world of application for the use of color. The arrival of spring always reinvigorates us, as it does many others. Take the newest Target ad campaign showing colorful characters adding color to the world or this month’s In Style Magazine dedicated to color. Did you know that the screen …