Shop Suggestions

    We waited 7 months (on my bday) to find out the gender. We knew we loved grey and green, but would use an accent color of lavender for a girl or turquoise for a boy. We ended up using brown


    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Woh

        June 25, 2011

        Love the Green!!!

      2. 12andcounting

        June 30, 2011

        The contrast between the gray and that very shade of green is so dramatic!  It really is attention-grabbing. And it’s great that the color of the leaves on the wall decal matches the color of the accent wall. Wish you posted more photos, though. Would have loved to see what the rest of the room looks like.

      3. zmommy1110

        July 1, 2011

        hi, I added a few more pics. =)

      4. Recreate

        July 1, 2011

        I am not really a fan of any shade of color that appears neon, but this one seems to work well for your room. Cute owl figurines, too.

      5. Lindsey

        November 7, 2011

        What is the grey wall color? Is it the same as the ceiling color, Behr Porpoise?

      6. Tonya

        January 20, 2012

        Where did you purchase the bedding from?

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