Shop Suggestions

    This room is a result of lots of love and inspiration. I wanted something rustic, but modern, with a few vintage and whimsical touches.

    Stay at home mom of 3 girls and one baby boy! I have an art degree, so while I'm not working at the moment, I tend to pour my creative energy into my home. I fall asleep thinking about design and furniture arrangement. True story.
    Stay at home mom of 3 girls and one baby boy! I have an art degree, so while I'm not working at the moment, I tend to pour my creative energy into my home. I fall asleep thinking about design and furniture arrangement. True story.

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Brooke T

        June 24, 2013

        where is the wall paper from? Is it textured?

      2. Haneen

        June 25, 2013

        Wallpaper isn’t textured- it has a smooth finish. From

      3. Lauren

        July 1, 2013

        Where and what color is your green and navy paints? :-)

      4. Lauren

        July 1, 2013

        NM! I see you already said from where and the names! Ha

      5. Lauren

        July 29, 2013

        I’ve looked at and cannot find the wallpaper you have…do you happen to have the name of it? Love this look :) Thanks SO MUCH!

      6. Haneen

        September 16, 2013

        Lauren, so sorry I didn’t see this til now. Here’s the link if you still need it:

      7. Jessica

        September 21, 2013

        Hi Haneen, where’s your crib from?

      8. Erin

        October 4, 2013

        Super cute room I have been wanting to do something like this but wasn’t sure it would turn out well but now that I have seen it in action it looks awesome!!! Do you by chance know how many rolls of wallpaper it took to cover that wall? Was 2 enough or did you need 3 rolls? Also I’m curious do you know what color of paint you used for the navy and the green?

      9. Haneen

        November 8, 2013

        Crib is from Buy Buy Baby! Sorry, just saw this question now.

      10. Amy Galbraith

        November 21, 2013

        Just bought the wood plank paper. Any pointers on how to put it up? The directions are a bit confusing.

      11. Christian

        November 23, 2013

        Hey I fell in love with your room as soon as I saw it! I originally had a question about the wallpaper but I see you posted the link to it below. My second question to you is how would you think this room would look with a brown wooded tile floor? I like how it looks with the white carpet but me and my wife were thinking of leaving the floor the way it is, which is wood tiles.

      12. Christian

        November 23, 2013

        Also, how did you do the Z on top of the crib? Can I purchase it somewhere? I know you said you made it yourself, but am I able to buy the letter and bulbs somewhere?

      13. M-J

        December 26, 2013

        I love the chair! Where can I find it?

      14. Lauren

        January 23, 2014

        Where did you find the large mustache on the white wood board . So cute!

      15. Haneen

        March 21, 2014

        I’m so sorry I’m just now seeing this question! We bought 3 double rolls for this. We had a good chunk left over, but 2 would have been just shy of working. Paint colors are listed in description. Good luck!

      16. Haneen

        March 21, 2014

        So sorry I’m just now seeing this! We had a friend hang the wallpaper! I’m sorry I don’t have any tips! Ah! Good luck!

      17. Haneen

        March 21, 2014

        Thank you! I’m so sorry I’m just now seeing these questions. I’m sure you’ve taken care of this by now, but on the off chance you’d still like my opinion, I was just going to say that leaving the wood tile floor would be fine, but I would definitely break it all up with a large area rug. Good luck!

      18. Haneen

        March 21, 2014

        The Z was purchased at Joann Fabrics. It’s cardboard. I cut the back of it off and that’s where the cords are tucked. The string of lights is from Target. Good luck!

      19. Haneen

        March 21, 2014

        Target online!

      20. Haneen

        March 21, 2014

        Home Goods!

      21. Amy Galbraith

        March 22, 2014

        It turned out amazing! Thank you so much for your inspiration and great design!

      22. Amy Galbraith

        March 22, 2014

        Here’s a pic!

      23. Haneen

        March 23, 2014

        Oh my goodness! It’s FANTASTIC! Awesome job!

      24. Haneen

        March 23, 2014

        Target online!

      25. Lauren

        June 7, 2014

        Thanks! also love the little red frame with mustache pic. Where is the pic from?

      26. Haneen

        June 11, 2014

        The art that’s in the small red frame is actually a homemade card from a friend:)

      27. Haneen

        June 18, 2014

        Chair is from Target online

      28. Janine

        January 25, 2015


        I love your room! We were going to do a whole wood wall, but I’m glad I found this wallpaper! Do you by chance recall the name of the area rug? I’m looking through Overstock but haven’t found it yet. Thanks!

      29. Emily

        March 30, 2015

        I love the whole nursery! Where did you get the wood shelf and the small numbers?

      30. M&M

        May 10, 2016

        Hi Haneen, did you make the mustache picture, if not where can I find it?

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