Shop Suggestions

    Izabella’s nursery inspired by the “You Are My Sunshine” lullaby.


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      1. preschooldoll

        August 3, 2010

        I like your “bookshelf” idea. It seems like an affordable alternative to similar ideas from PBK and Land of Nod. This room is well put together, but there is lots of room for a child to grow into fill up!

      2. karamo81

        August 7, 2010

        Hey, can you tell me what you typed in on Vintage Etsy to find those cute book shelves you painted yellow? I would love to find something like them or similar but haven’t found anything like them yet.

      3. CreativeCrumbs

        August 11, 2010

        I love the story behind this room :)  I love the room itself.  The colors a great too, I think that you’re right in saying that the bright contrasts develop a baby’s vision and intelligence.

      4. ktyr0se

        August 12, 2010

        Thank you! 

        karamo81- I just searched and searched and really the person selling them didn’t even know what they were for. I just searched all vintage sellers and looked for anything that could be used as shelves and that I could paint or fix up if they were in bad shape.

        CreativeCrumbs- Thank you so much! I actually worked at a preschool so I knew a bit about colors and eye development. But I really wanted something that wasn’t pastels and all snooze. I wanted something fun and playful for her. :o)

      5. Amity

        August 19, 2010

        For my part, this room would have been perfect if you had toned down on the colors.  Nevertheless, it’s obviously a labor of love :)  I like it!

      6. ktyr0se

        August 19, 2010

        Haha…Yea, I was aiming for bright. :o) Thanks.

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