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    Themed Birthday Party

    Rebecca Propes
    Rebecca Propes
    Rebecca calls Gilbert, AZ home. Interior designer by trade, mom to 3 boys and crazy talented in everything party, home, and DIY.
    Rebecca Propes
    Rebecca calls Gilbert, AZ home. Interior designer by trade, mom to 3 boys and crazy talented in everything party, home, and DIY.

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      1. clacourte

        August 27, 2010

        Really cute!  Where did you get the candy jar labels?

      2. Amity

        August 29, 2010

        Rebecca, I love it.  I had a friend design her 3 year old’s party, and it was based on Dora.  The kid is a boy :)  In any case, I really like the buffet idea, and think that it’s a good way to let the kids let loose :)

      3. natashacordido

        October 6, 2010

        Where did you get the mini candy dispensers from? they are super cute!!

      4. Gena Williams

        February 12, 2019

        Where did you get the mini banks

      5. Sara

        April 26, 2023

        Hola estan lindos donde consigio los dispensadores de dulces porfa

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