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    I was inspired to make a nursery that incorporated dad’s hunting hobby and our numerous family camping trips. I also wanted to complete the project on a modest budget, utilizing mostly hand-me-down furniture.


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      1. Ursie

        January 14, 2016

        What a beautiful idea adding litttle deer antlers for a precious sweet littlle girl s nursery. So many special touch s truly reflects a warm cozy loving home. This nursery has your name all over it. Great job Brandi!!#

      2. Alexa

        January 14, 2016

        This is absolutely beautiful! I can’t believe this was done on a budget and with hand-me downs, what you’ve done is truly amazing. I’m sure Lena Mae loves it as much as I do! Great job! <3

      3. Missy

        January 15, 2016

        Beautiful nursery! Such a unique theme, love it.

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