Shop Suggestions
Cats, Bats & Ghosts, oh my! I knew I wanted it a little bit vintage-y. And was going for black cats and ghosts and bats. I had an idea for a DIY chandelier to hang above the kids table. I covered a hula hoop with white streamer paper and taped strands of tissue fringe in different lengths to give it a whimsey feel. You can get tissue fringe at Michaels in a variety of colors. I hand cut bats from card stock and taped them on. Quick and easy! The snack table had PB & J “Spider” sandwiches, Ghost Peeps cupcakes, Bat Push Pops and Popcorn bags we crafted with gold cats.
Pop of gold is where my hand picked favorites meet hand made crafts for fun and fancy parties. I love taking things from around the house and upcycling them into fun party decor, cruising the internet to find the most fabulous pieces and hunting through stores for chic crafts. All while doing so affordably! Let me help make your next party Pinterest® perfect! Every party needs a pop of gold!
Pop of gold is where my hand picked favorites meet hand made crafts for fun and fancy parties. I love taking things from around the house and upcycling them into fun party decor, cruising the internet to find the most fabulous pieces and hunting through stores for chic crafts. All while doing so affordably! Let me help make your next party Pinterest® perfect! Every party needs a pop of gold!