This is my son's vintage inspired nursery. He's now 2, but this room will be perfect for him for another year or two since his crib converts into a toddler bed.
Design Inspiration
I wanted a nursery that had a vintage feel, along with a bit of modern appeal. It was important to have a space that bright, happy and just felt good. I knew we would be spending a lot of time in the nursery!
Project Details
Links to all of the items and furniture in the room can be found here on my Thrive 360 Living blog:
Favorite Items
My favorite part of the room is the crib area. I adore the vintage airplane mobile and I liked how the DIY name frame turned out. It makes me happy to think of him peacefully asleep in his room.
I tried to not make the room too themed with specific colors and I think the result is a room that doesn't look like it's trying to hard. Instead it feels like a room that's just filled with bits and pieces that I love.
Mila G.
Thursday 2nd of May 2013
Love how you mixed vintage elements with modern colors. Are the paper planes on the wall paintings or wall decals?
Nella Atkinson
Tuesday 16th of April 2013
Love the brightness and airiness of the room, and the addition of bright colors!
Thrive 360 Living
Tuesday 16th of April 2013
Thanks so much @facebook-100002029438307:disqus! It's definitely one of the happiest spots in our house.