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    For this party, I wanted the dessert table to help capture the children’s imagination just a Barbie does. So, I tried to design it as though it was actually a place in Barbie’s house.  

    I found the perfect black and white striped fabric, for the background, which called back to Barbie’s original bathing suit. And then I chose a dressing table to display the sweets and used it as inspiration for many of the other elements. 
    First I found the most beautiful corset cookies and chose to stand them up like a wardrobe of gorgeous Barbie dresses and displayed them in and around a jewelry box. I had the cake pops standing up in a make up bag like beautiful lip glosses. And I created a silhouette, inspired by the classic vintage Barbie silhouette, and used it as one of the icons for the party as I designed the paper goods.  To create the “floral” centerpiece for the dressing table, I was lucky enough to find the perfect marshmallow roller pops .  The favor table was laden with fabulous accessories which I was able to find in the Target dollars bins… pearl necklaces, bracelets, flower headbands, gloves and even little purses to hold all the goodies! 


    I absolutely love parties, all aspects of design and just about anything crafty! I work full time as a printables designer and party stylist.
    I absolutely love parties, all aspects of design and just about anything crafty! I work full time as a printables designer and party stylist.

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