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    A sock monkey themed first birthday party for our twins, Wesley and Andrew.

    Our journey raising twin toddlers.
    Our journey raising twin toddlers.

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      1. Audrea7

        February 9, 2011

        I LOVE sockmonkeys and I think you pulled this off very nicely! The polka dots are super cute with the monkeys and the table looks great. Good job!

      2. AngelsBreath

        February 15, 2011

        I love sock monkeys too and I love the way you made them the centerpiece.  But what’s more intriguing is you using a bright and bold red on white pallette for a boys’ party!  Also those photo frames are fantastic!

      3. brandi

        February 28, 2011

        Did you make the red pom poms hanging up from the ceiling? If so, how? I’d love to put some of those in my nursery.


      4. gritty49

        March 3, 2011

        Yes, Brandi!  I made the pom poms using Martha Stewarts tutorial:    They are so so simple to make and liven up any party ;)  They’d be BEAUTIFUL in a nursery! Great idea!

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