Shop Suggestions

    The nursery is themeless. I just wanted a sweet, peaceful space for imagination and dreams. (Professional photos by Del Benson)

    Web designer, wife & soon-to-be mama
    Web designer, wife & soon-to-be mama

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      1. angiegoody

        September 24, 2012

        I do like the furnishings but a little more color and pattern would give it some character. While still keeping it calm and serene.

      2. Cassandra Honn Nelson

        September 24, 2012

        Thanks for the feedback. I’m definitely a happy minimalist, but I agree that the room could use a little something more. The nursery wasn’t quite done when these photos were taken, but I’ve also pretty well maxed out my budget. :) In a perfect world, I would love to add a gorgeous rug, but I think a car seat and stroller should probably take priority right now.

      3. Cassandra Nelson

        September 25, 2012

        Since those photos were taken, I did receive a darling (custom-made!) baby quilt from a friend, that adds some more color and pattern to the room.

      4. angiegoody

        September 25, 2012

        LOVE the quilt! Your friend did great! Already it added some pattern that the room needed! I can agree with you a car seat and stroller are top priority for sure! Wish you all the best with your new baby. She’s very fortunate to have such a lovely room!

      5. Lisapeck

        October 3, 2012

        Hi Cassandra: I feel you. Working with a limited budget really puts a crimp into your decorating style. Am lucky because when I was working on my nursery, friends volunteered to give me some gorgeous pieces that they used for their own nurseries that they have been keeping in the garage since their babies have outgrown it. I’ve also learned to thrift shop as well and repurposing other people’s things :)

      6. Tasha Cune

        October 5, 2012

        I like that little shelf with the hangers. And that pomander ball is really pretty! It’s a great alternative to the overused tissue pompoms.

      7. Steph

        November 8, 2012

        Everything looks beautiful! Question- is that the Dorel Rocker from Wal Mart? If so what color slipcover is that?

      8. ks504

        January 5, 2013

        What color is the wall paint?

      9. Cassandra Honn Nelson

        January 13, 2013

        I’m so sorry! I haven’t checked this site in a while. It’s probably too late now, but, yes, it is the Dorel rocker – with the beige slipcover. It does look nice and you can’t beat the price, but I wouldn’t buy it again. It’s not a smooth rocker and it’s just not very comfy in my opinion. Originally, I had my eye on a CL wingback rocker that I was going to re-upholster, but the seller backed out. :(

      10. Cassandra Honn Nelson

        January 13, 2013

        KWAL Deseret Fawn 8222W.

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