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    Renting can sometimes limit your design choices. I tried to make the most of the small room with a little creativity and even less cash. Shared rooms can be difficult to set up with so much furniture in the room, but by removing the closet doors I gained more space for a dresser and utilized the top shelf as a display.


    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Little Apple Design LA

        March 19, 2010

        Lovely! That’s a really great yellow. 

      2. AngelsBreath

        April 27, 2010

        I can’t believe this is a “on a budget” room.  Looks great!

      3. PrincessRaina

        May 4, 2010

        I just love what you did with those paper lanterns.  And I love the knickknacks you have on your wall. 

        And yes, this looks like it was not done on a budget!

      4. JennyGerrett

        June 14, 2010

        Love the paper lanterns!  What did you use to hang them from the ceiling?

      5. mama4

        July 21, 2010

        Love your budget style!

      6. karamo81

        January 25, 2011

        Cute room!  Where did you get the blue alphabet print sitting on the closet shelf?

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