Shop Suggestions

    We wanted a nursery that could grow with Oliver, a room that the whole family could enjoy.  We are not big on “themed” nurseries nor “babyish” nurseries.  We chose the colors blue and orange and went from there…. and of course it had to be budget friendly!


    Shop New Arrivals


      1. CreativeCrumbs

        August 27, 2011

        Nice room and color, though the effect of the photo is quite distracting. Is that a growth chart beside the door? The one with animals atop each other? Or just a plain wall decal? It’s really cute.

      2. Nbcoco

        August 27, 2011

        Hi, it just a plain decal from I agree the pictures can be distracting. I am going to upload some additional pictures that might give a better view. Thanks!

      3. yeyen11

        August 27, 2011

        I love it! the colors look great! 5*! P.S. My baby’s name is also Oliver!

      4. maureenr

        August 28, 2011

        Love the colors! A great compliment to the beautiful floors

      5. Holly

        August 30, 2011

        Love the color combination! Great job.

      6. Jina

        September 1, 2011

        I absolutely LOVE your bedding. I’ve been having issues finding a crib bedding set I like and yours is amazing and matches the color scheme I need. Where did you buy it??

      7. Whitney

        September 2, 2011

        Hi!!!!! Where did you find the orange chair?

      8. Nbcoco

        September 2, 2011


        Thanks everyone! The bedding is from, when we got it the whole site was 40% off! The chair is from Hudson furniture you pick the chair and fabric. The chair glides and rocks love it!

      9. brittharvey

        September 25, 2011

        So cute! Where did you find the giraffes?

      10. liz

        October 6, 2011

        I am in love with this room (and the babys name)! I also want to start with orange and blue and include a mix of things.. animals, planes :) I really love the crib and dresser set too! Do you mind sharing where you found them? I have been looking everywhere for the perfect set and haven’t had much luck.

      11. i3rittanyLynne

        November 11, 2011

        I just love the aqua blue color you used!!! Would you mind sharing what the paint color is called??

      12. Jaime

        November 22, 2011


        second this!

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