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This was my eldest daughter’s 6th birthday party. It would be her last party before becoming a big sister and we wanted to let her have the lime light one last time before she had to share LOL
Hi There, I am a young mommy of two beautiful girls. Project nursery inspired much of my youngest daughter's nursery so I decided to share some of it on here. I am also an Early Childhood Educator with a love for crafts and all things kiddy.
Hi There, I am a young mommy of two beautiful girls. Project nursery inspired much of my youngest daughter's nursery so I decided to share some of it on here. I am also an Early Childhood Educator with a love for crafts and all things kiddy.
You did such a great job!!! This is the kind of party I would have loved when I was a kid. You put so much effort into the activities. Happy birthday Morgan and good luck with the arrival of number two
how do i vote?!
Andrea Smith
Thank you Chonnie! I tried to make it a party I would have wanted as a kid too! Although I think many parties I see are beautiful very few seem to be about the kids and are more about the appearance. So often I look at those beautiful parties and think geeze the decor and food are beautiful but what was there for the kids to do?
Andrea Smith
Alex just like it on the side panel and then share on FB etc
Nicole Reffett Linville
Where did you find the shark and alligator for pirate party? I looked at party city but they didn’t have either or online.