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    A garden nursery for my first! I’m an addicted DIY’r and managed to save a lot of money as well as create some unique looks for my baby girl’s room.


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      1. Vera

        June 8, 2013

        I love what you did with the whirly hanging candleholder! So colorful!

      2. Jillian Scotts

        June 10, 2013

        Yeah, I think so too! They’re kinda whimsical. I think their effect would have been more dramatic if they were the only ones on the wall, and there wasn’t any shelf above it or sign below it, and so much more if the wall was lighter and the flowers would really pop out.

      3. disqus_ZIbTRDOU5v

        June 11, 2013

        Thanks! I’ve had them for years and never had the right use for them- I was so happy to finally use them!

      4. disqus_ZIbTRDOU5v

        June 11, 2013

        Meh that would have felt too dead to me- they’re not all that big and that would have left a big empty wall!

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