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When my husband and I moved into our new house, I took on the nursery design project as something to keep me busy on the weekends. The room (and house) is a classic 50s remodel and was in great shape. The house still has the original hardwoods throughout, so there was a nice base to start with.
Kelli Janell Salas
Kelli Janell Salas
I have always said that the babies who eventually get these rooms on project nursery are very lucky. I think Leo is luckier. With both parents being good with their hands and a mother who is not only very creative but also a good bargain hunter (that dresser is my favorite too!!!!), I think that he has the best room of all :)
tabitha @ fromsingletomarried
What a great room – the grey is beautiful as is the yellow dresser, beautiful!
love it! where did you get the rug?
Kelli Janell Salas
thanks for the kind comments! The rug and mobile both came from Urban Outfitters online. The rug was only $18. They have some bigger ones for $30+ I think.
Very cute room. Where did you find the bedding? I’m looking for something with those exact colors and haven’t been able to find anything I like yet.
Kelli Janell Salas
The bedding is a line called Babylicious. I just found it random doing searches for “modern bedding.” I then googled the brand and found a site that sold it the cheapest. I believe they only make 2-3 colors combos but they are all really cute.
Kelli Janell Salas
The bedding is a line called Babylicious. I just found it random doing searches for “modern bedding.” I then googled the brand and found a site that sold it the cheapest. I believe they only make 2-3 colors combos but they are all really cute.
Wasn’t it difficult working without a theme? I would have thought that it would be a nightmare shopping for pieces that would fit together. It’s really great what you did here.
Where did you find the alphabet bouncer? All the bouncers I keep seeing are so cutesy, but I love the alphabet theme and the primary colors of this one.