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    Our project started out a little rough, our house was built in the 1880s, yes that’s right…over 130 years old! When we moved in, the previous owners had put barn wood on all the walls in this particular bedroom…I love the rustic look, but not in a Victorian age home. Anyways, when we went to tear the wood down, all the plaster came with. So our project turned from a simple paint job, to a complete remodel. But in the end, we love it that much more, and were really able to utilize the space better by choosing the layout.

    Oh, Hello! My name is Ashlyn...momma to a beautiful little girl named Leighton, and wife to an amazing man named Dan. We are a very DIY kind of couple. We love getting our hands dirty and creating something awesome in the process. My dream job would be a home decorator/event planner...but for now, I get to use my creative mind in the kitchen. I am the manager for a catering company and coffee shop (family business.)
    Oh, Hello! My name is Ashlyn...momma to a beautiful little girl named Leighton, and wife to an amazing man named Dan. We are a very DIY kind of couple. We love getting our hands dirty and creating something awesome in the process. My dream job would be a home decorator/event planner...but for now, I get to use my creative mind in the kitchen. I am the manager for a catering company and coffee shop (family business.)

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