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    The guest room was painted with light yellow. When we found out we were expecting the guest room would be our 1st baby’s bedroom. I thought it is simply a good opportunity to create. It is a small space so we can’t be creative so much with adding furntiure etc but we can paint the walls. By looking at the wall I can envision lines that would make the room look longer. I joined the freecyclers group and picked up some paint and simply worked around with what I have. As for inspiration? It is the idea of having an opportunity to create and working with what you’ve got (innovate). I thought didn’t have ideas on the other wall. So, I’ve asked my husband to create something on the other side — his own. He has never done it before and was weary about it painting is easy if you make a mistake paint over it. If you plan and sketch your idea it should be OK. So here is the snippet of what my husband ended up doing.
    Submitted by : Bernee Lee


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