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    My daughter chose her wild west theme. She wanted to be a sheriff for her fourth Birthday! So I started Building away and made her wild west town that included a saloon, sheriffs office, jail and a bank. I loved making her horses and the post for them. The cattle chute was a big hit. I made it out of old pallets the kids loved coming out of the chute with a bucking bronco! Just a fun overall DIY birthday party! I Made her watering hole and Chuck wagon food table. I also added tee pees and a canoe and paddles. Most of the large stuff I built with scrape wood I had and plywood. I did a lot of bargain shopping for all the western stuff. We had so much fun!! I Loved making the menu for the tables and the Cake Stand out of a pistol with an old tin pan as the topper.

    Randi Kennedy
    Randi Kennedy
    A crafty DIYer mommy to sweet Kennedy.
    Randi Kennedy
    A crafty DIYer mommy to sweet Kennedy.

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