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    A modern nursery. See more at

    Nicci Gabriel
    Nicci Gabriel
    Nicci Gabriel

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Ken

        February 18, 2011

        Checked out your blog and found that there were a lot of design ideas you have there.  It may be helpful for PN contributors if you could share your thoughts on their rooms :) I love the fusion of bright and vivid colors with the black and more classic basic colors that you have here.  

      2. monique

        February 23, 2011

        May I ask  where did your crib come from? its gorgeous!

      3. monique

        February 23, 2011

        Nevermind I see it. Sorry im new at this.

      4. BuenaMano

        March 7, 2011

        Can you share where you got the Eames elephant and the lamp?  Those are lovely pieces!

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