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    Ethan’s sailboat nursery was inspired by a trip my husband and I took while I was pregnant. We were walking along a dock looking at sailboats when the idea came to me to use this theme for Ethan’s nursery.


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      1. Mandy

        February 21, 2015

        Hi! – I was just curious of where you got that adorable print above the book shelves?? “Let your inagination set sail” – thanks so much!:)


      2. Diana

        March 24, 2015

        Where did you buy your bookshelves?

      3. Rachel

        June 9, 2015

        Mandy- I painted it onto the canvas by first printing the words from my computer, then tracing out the words into the canvas.

        Diana- my husband built the bookshelves!

      4. Matt

        February 17, 2019

        What is the length of those bookshelves?

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