Shop Suggestions
I wanted to decorate the nursery in Yellow, Gray, White and Apple Green… this was challenging to say the least but I am thrilled with the way it turned out. I used a light gray paint on the walls, white furniture and yellow and green accents.
Proud new Mommy of Beckett, born April 27th.
Proud new Mommy of Beckett, born April 27th.
Yellow makes the room look sunny and bright, so nice choice. Your nursery looks really clean and clutter-free. Wish you showed us more pictures of the room, though.
Cute! Would love more pics!!!!!
How did you make your mobile? Its so adorable! I want to make one for our nursery but don’t know excatly how to.
thank you! It’s actually pinwheels in 3 different sizes made with cardstock. I found a template online to make the pinwheels, used 2 different patterns of cardstock (solid on the outside,pattern on the inside), bought some fancy brads and used those to hold the pinwheels together in the center. I found an exisitng mobile and cut off the mobile part to use the rings and hung the pinwheels with thick thread. I will see if I can post a better pic of the mobile close up. My son loves watching them twirl!!
Sarah Patterson
Your nursery is so cute! Can you please tell where you got your crib? I’d love to buy one just like it! thank you so much!!