Shop Suggestions

    Soothing, yet whimisical beach theme great for boy or girl

    Brianna 'Zegland' Maciej
    Brianna 'Zegland' Maciej
    Brianna 'Zegland' Maciej

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Rachel Easley

        May 18, 2011

        I absolutely love all our your decor! I am thinking about painting wide stripes on the walls of my nursery( this is my first and I’m due at the end of October ). How did you do this? It looks perfect!

      2. Ysczabel

        May 21, 2011

        Fun wall hangings indeed! For sure, these whimsical items you put up will keep your baby busy. Did you make the “If you’re not barefoot..” sign? I think it’s THEN instead of THAN.

      3. Brianna 'Zegland' Maciej

        May 22, 2011

        I didn’t make the barefoot sign, but I think you are correct with “then” instead of than :)  To paint the stripes, we painted all four walls the tan color.  We then measured 10 inch stripes, starting in the first corner you see as you enter the room.  Measure going both right and left out of the corner so that you end in a corner that is not quite as noticable, such as above the entry door in case the stripes don’t measure out perfectly.  We used a level to make the pencil lines straight going vertically.  When you tape off the lines (we used the expensive Scotch Blue tape, I think its for delicate surfaces, the cheap stuff bleeds), make sure to tape just outside your pencil marks so that the white paint will cover the lines.  That’s just the overall jist, but if you have anymore questions about details, let me know.  Thanks!

      4. CreativeCrumbs

        May 25, 2011

        Love the little interesting decors on the walls, like those cute oars and the wheel, and those wooden boxes too. I also love the sandy colors…very relaxing and breezy. I really do feel like I am in the beach, even if I am only looking at the photos.

      5. leslielou820

        May 26, 2011

        i think the room is beautiful and very serene and relaxing. it does seem if there is quite a bit going on in here, though, i would prefer it a little less accessorized and cluttered. but overall, very chic and a nice take on thebeach/nautical look

      6. aesweatheart

        July 11, 2011

        i love this room what type kind of bedding did you use

      7. Jeannie

        November 7, 2014

        The sign in the room is not right. It should say “then” and not “than”.

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