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    Over the years I have painted artwork for tons of friends & family to use in their kids rooms. When I found out I was pregnant I immediately started looking for ideas for both boys & girls rooms. We found out we were having a precious little boy (the 6th grandson in my family) and I almost immediately decided on robots because I’d never done art for a robot nursery before. I settled on the 4 main colors of turquoise, lime green, orange & navy and went from there.

    Rena McElroy Clegg
    Rena McElroy Clegg
    Rena McElroy Clegg

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      1. DeAnna

        July 12, 2015

        I LOVE your room! I’ve been trying to put together something bright and colorful just like this. I know you said you found your rug on Wayfair, but do you by any chance know/remember the manufacturer and/or name of the rug? I have been searching all over for something like this.

      2. Carly Roubique

        September 14, 2016

        I want these canvas prints!!!!!!!! How did you make them?! Can you make them for me?!

      3. Laura

        May 23, 2019

        What is the wall color in his room? We have our son’s room decorated in similar colors, but need to repaint the walls. Thank you!

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