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    I wanted something that would be young (but not too baby), fun and relaxing all at the same time for baby Trey’s nursery.  This room will transition with Trey gets he gets older and will work for baby girl (fingers crossed) by adding with some girly touches.

    A new mommy, loving every moment of baby's growth and development!
    A new mommy, loving every moment of baby's growth and development!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Elaine

        April 3, 2012

        It turned out beautifully! Keep on being an inspiring mom to others and to you!

      2. Florence Amber

        April 5, 2012

        The room looks like a safari scene at sunrise or sunset, with the yellow wall and the animal silhouettes!

      3. Charyssma

        April 13, 2012

        Florence Amber,

        That is exactly what we were going for Florence! Wouldn’t we all like to wake up to the sunrise over the plain?!

      4. Charyssma

        April 13, 2012


        Thank you! I’m glad you like it.


        July 21, 2013

        Where did you get the decals? I’m having a hard time finding them. I want to do something similar to this in our nursery :)

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