Shop Suggestions

    The other week we showcased H’s (all boy) playtime nursery. H’s adoptive family also knew they would be welcoming H’s biological sister shortly there after. Without knowing the sex, they turned to cool, gender neutral crib bedding for inspiration.


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      1. admin

        January 8, 2010

        Asianmommy says:

        July 22, 2008 at 6:20 pm 

        So cute! I love the green wall color…and the little elephant!

      2. admin

        January 8, 2010

        Emily says:

        July 29, 2008 at 6:07 pm

        This is such a beautiful nursery! I love the colors and the pictures. I’m impressed and slightly (ok extremely) jealous!

      3. blakes

        February 11, 2011

        this one looks like it has a small space but still pretty!

      4. Kimbertoes

        August 15, 2013

        Do you know what the name and brand of the wall color is? Its the exact shade I’ve been looking for and can’t find!!

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