Shop Suggestions

    We didn’t find out what we were having beforehand, so we needed a gender neutral theme. But I also knew that even if we knew whether we were having a boy or girl, we weren’t the type of people to have a very gender-specific nursery with lots of pinks or blues. We are both native New Yorkers, so we went with an urban city baby theme. I got most of my ideas for various projects from this site, blogs and etsy and just went for it.

    New Momma who discovered she loves designing through the planning of her wedding, friends and her own baby and wedding showers, and designing her Queens apartment and now new baby nursery.
    New Momma who discovered she loves designing through the planning of her wedding, friends and her own baby and wedding showers, and designing her Queens apartment and now new baby nursery.

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. An

        August 30, 2011

        Really love your child’s bedroom. I’m going to have to emulate your style, it’s so darn cool

      2. Meredith

        August 30, 2011

        Love your nursery, this should be rated higher. Color scheme is so relaxing, wall mural-great use of space, ‘abby’ above crib-adorable, blook sling-great use of space and ‘Pooh’ bear sitting in bumbo-priceless!! Kudos to you and congrats!

      3. Adrien

        August 31, 2011

        I love your book sling, but what did you use iron adhesive for?

      4. bluebirdkisses

        August 31, 2011

        I love this theme and little details of the room. Its gorgeous!

      5. Jennifer

        September 3, 2011

        How beautiful and fun! You’ll have to let me know where you got your poof/ottoman.

      6. mrsblakney

        September 11, 2011

        I would love step by step instructions on the book sling. Love the room so CUTE!!!

      7. mrsblakney

        September 11, 2011

        O and where did you get the mini coat rack?

      8. KateandDrew

        September 22, 2011

        Thanks, everyone!!


        Here is the site I used to make the no iron book sling:


        The ottoman is from Crate & Barrel


        The mini coat rack is from Land of Nod, also.

      9. Lisa

        October 25, 2011

        Where is the blanket in the crib from? (the one with the buildings)

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