Project Nursery

Personalized Crib Sheet

One of my favorite things about working in The Project Nursery Shop is seeing what our customers order. From cribs to shower gifts to swaddle blankets, I love seeing orders come through my inbox. […]

Whale Mobile

It’s officially summer, and my mind is at the beach. Here are a few ways to have a taste of that summertime feeling in your nursery year round. […]

Rustic Bohemian Floral Nursery - Project Nursery

While you all may be still enjoying an extra long weekend to celebrate the Fourth of July, we can’t miss the opportunity to celebrate our own community members. With the start of July comes two brand new project of the month winners! […]

Popsicle Party Cupcake Toppers

We’re feeling the summer vibes, and so are you! Fill up the pool, put the popsicles on ice, and let’s celebrate the sunshiney days with cool treats and sparkly sweets. […]

Lily Jade Elizabeth Bag

I’m fresh off of maternity leave with a tiny bundle of joy to tote around out and about in the world. It’s been five years since I’ve had a newborn, and my goodness, even being in the baby business, I’ve forgotten just how much stuff you want to carry around with you in those early …

hero Popsicle Pool Party

Release the fireworks! A long weekend of American celebration is upon us! But before we grab our stars, stripes and fun summer foods, we are sharing this week’s top projects from our project gallery. Check out a modern take on Disney (for twins!), a big boy room all about garbage trucks (with none of the …