6 Outdoor Activities for Toddlers You Can Do in Your Own Backyard

When the sun is shining, everyone gets eager to get outside. Your options can seem a little more restricted with a toddler in tow, but we’ve got some fun outdoor activities for toddlers that you can do right in your backyard. 

DIY Bubble Station. Turn a wading pool into a zone for bubble exploration and fun. Follow the tutorial for tips and even a recipe to make your own bubble solution. Make sure you stay right with your child.

DIY Backyard Bubble Station - Project Nursery

DIY Sidewalk Chalk Pops. We go through sidewalk chalk quickly around my house. Making your own is fun and thrifty! The popsicle stick handles work especially well for toddlers who don’t always love the sensory experience of chalk on their hands. Make sure your littles know these pops are NOT for eating!

DIY Sidewalk Chalk Pops Tutorial - Project Nursery

Install a Playhouse. Little ones LOVE playhouses. Really just going in and out of the door can occupy a toddler for a long time. Add in peeking out the windows and they are set! Mandy, of Momma Society, gave her basic playhouse a Palm Springs upgrade. Find out more on how she did it here.

Palm Springs-Inspired Playhouse Tutorial - Project Nursery

Make Your Own Playhouse. If you feel like getting crafty, you can turn an old cardboard box into a playhouse masterpiece. You can even get your kiddo in on the painting action, but don’t expect it to turn out like the beautiful work of Hayley, of Grey House Harbor, below. Just remember, you won’t want to leave this playhouse outside since it won’t do well in the rain.

DIY Cardboard Playhouse Tutorial - Project Nursery

DIY Sidewalk Chalk Paint. Depending on your toddler’s dexterity, he or she might do better using sidewalk chalk paint. We’ve got the full tutorial on how to make your own and let your kids go wild in the driveway.

DIY Sidewalk Chalk Paint Tutorial - Project Nursery

Make Your Own Fairy GardenInspire your little one to get her hands in the dirt by creating your very own fairy garden. Get creative with bits of nature you find in your own yard or scour the aisles of your favorite craft store for itty bitty props.

Have fun getting outside with your kids! What are your favorite outdoor activities for toddlers?





Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.

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