Project Nursery

Did anyone catch The Martha Stewart Show featuring some very accomplished bloggers the other day? Thank you Martha for dedicating an entire episode to the blogging phenomenon! If any of our readers have their own blog, make certain you link to The Martha Blog and comment for the chance to be recognized by the Domestic Diva herself! We here at Project Nursery are crossing our …

All this depressing wall street stuff has really got a girl down. Nothing like a little sparkle to lift the mood. My sister's friend introduced us to this great line of simple and chic jewelry by designer Adina Reyter. There are a ton of pieces to fall in love with in her line and after perusing …

Consider us trendy! Well, The Trendy Mommy says we are, so we must be! Congrats to Jen Reiter and the TM team for launching their new site this month. The Trendy Mommy is a source of information for moms and moms-to-be on everything from great products to decorating inspiration and party planning tips to weekend …

I just enjoyed the Aaron Brothers frame sale for my new, renovated hallway. So now I have a gallery of fab frames, with pictures of strangers hanging. Since the digital revolution, it's going to take me a bit longer to upload, go through pics to order online and fill these frames. Now what am I to do for the rest …

So your ceilings lack luster. They are 8 ft (maybe?) and have no architectural interest. When the magazines push glam chandeliers and cool pendant lighting, you must be thinking "Come on people! I need a quick fix for a regular ceiling fixture my husband's head won't hit!" Yes, you called for it, the "Ceiling Light"! Boring, right? Well, …

Manhattan based mom-to-be Tamra recently reached out to us via our Share Forum and asked for our help in dreaming up the ideal nursery for her son who is due this fall. We were happy to help out and give Tamra extra kudos for being part of the Project Nursery community. Although Tamra knew she …

We are always on the hunt for unique, one-of-a kind baby gifts. Sure, giving layettes and booties are sweet (and necessary) but there's some pressure on us now since running a baby blog! PN subscriber Carla tipped us off to a terrific gift for a friend's or family's next arrival worth giving: Personalized baby blocks from Memories & Milestones. Each personalized block …

Julie Blanchard, owner of Lemon Tree Paperie, created a sophisticated and classic nursery for her son Weston that we are pleased to share with our readers. When planning the nursery, Julie was instantly inspired by Serena and Lily's fabrics and decided on the color scheme of navy, indigo and lime right away. One of Julie's goals …