Goodbye 2021, HELLO 2022! At Project Nursery, another rotation around the sun means it’s time for our annual predictions for the top 2022 nursery trends and kids room design trends to watch in the year ahead. […]
Project Nursery
I created this look for a client of mine who is a North Carolina native and was looking to pay homage to her Southern roots. […]
If the last year and a half has taught us anything, we’ve learned that the playroom is the real workhorse of our homes. Having a thoughtfully designed playroom, outfitted with the right items, can make all the difference for keeping your kiddos content while doing the most important work of childhood—play! […]
You may be prepping a nursery for your first baby, but I bet a lot of you already have a (fur)st baby at home with you right now (see what I did there?). I bet you have dreams of your pet and your baby being BFFs, and there is no easier way to start that …
Remember the 5-second rule? Yeah, that was so 2019. Sanitizing has taken on a WHOLE lot more meaning in this Covid-crazy world. No time like the present to introduce you to our newest addition—the Project Nursery by Surface XL Pro UVC Sanitizer + Charger! […]
There are so many color trends when it comes to nursery design, but one that doesn’t get talked about a whole lot is the monochromatic color scheme. […]
We’ve never been more excited for this post—like ever! Typically, we linger and reminisce about the previous year before we look ahead. Well, sorry 2020—not gonna miss you. We’re looking forward to starting fresh and sharing our top 14 children’s design and nursery trends to watch this year. […]
It’s finally here! Today is the day I get to share the cover of my book with you! I’ve spent the last year writing and producing a book all about nursery design. It’s called Your Perfect Nursery, and it’s my “baby.” […]