Project Nursery

In my experience, kids, especially toddlers, tend to eat with their eyes first. Meaning, if the meal doesn't look appetizing, they're a lot less likely to eat it. In fact, I'd say this might be true for all of us. I know I'm guilty of judging a meal by its cover! My son is much …

My kids love to cart their stuff around. Books, toys, crayons—you name it, they want to have it with them in the car, on trips or even while they are at home, bopping from room to room. I can’t really blame them since I’m the mother with the giant tote bag filled with who knows …

Cherry Hill Designs Labels

From pencils to water bottles, shoes to lunch bags, labeling your child's gear is important to keep us parents organized. I label just about everything. Labeling does more than just help you get organized—labeling helps prevent those awkward sippy cup mix-ups at play dates during cold and flu seasons. It keeps sweaters out of the …

I can never be too organized. The bunking of my two boys together into one room and the unfolding of a new nursery has created the need for creative storage. Over the last few weeks, we have taken on some closet transformations that I will be sharing over my next few posts. Oh sure, I …

It's been a week since we returned from the ABC Kids Expo, but we are all still buzzing about the amazing products previewed at the show. We are almost done wrapping up our coverage, but before we do, we have a couple more fabulous finds we are excited to share with our readers. The morning …

Morgan's adorable, framed clothing art caught our eye in the gallery, and we asked her to share a tutorial with you all. Thanks, Morgan!   Here’s an easy way to add personalized baby artwork to your space—frame favorite clothing items in fabric-lined shadow boxes for a one-of-a-kind feature! When we were decorating my daughter Liv’s …

PN readers,  are you excited about all the furniture, bedding and gear we've been talking about fresh from our trip to the ABC Kids Expo? Well, it's not over yet; there are even more fabulous finds we want to share with you, so get ready. Need to catch up? Check out our other ABC Kids …

When my eldest son, Liam, was born, I decided to breastfeed. What I didn't know is that it would feel as if I needed a master's degree to learn how to do it properly. I had a tough time. In those first few days of figuring it out, I would literally break into cold sweats …