I was always a crafty kind of kid, and I'd really like to instill the same love of making things in my kids. Recently, I realized we just weren't doing enough of the crafty stuff I loved as a child. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that all of their art supplies …
A few weeks ago, Pam and I pulled off the ultimate surprise! For months, we’d been planning a surprise baby shower with Amazon, Minted and Rosie Pope for Melisa! […]
Have you heard the news? Project Nursery and Newport Cottages have once again joined forces! We’ve teamed up with our good friends to bring you Project Nursery exclusives. […]
Ahhh, sleep. It was the bane of my existence when my daughter was an infant—mostly because it was nonexistent—and with baby #2 due to arrive any day now, I’m trying not to assume that the next few sleep-deprived months […]
The Ginocchio family hit another milestone. Our youngest, four-and-a-half-year-old Sloane, delivered a message clear and proud, "Mom, I'm too big for my car seat. I want a big girl booster!" I couldn't really argue with her. After all, she was growing fast, and it was getting more and more difficult to get her car seat …
We sure do love a great sale—who doesn’t? Project Nursery is teaming up for the first time ever with zulily, the online retailer that features an amazing collection of special products for mamas and children every day […]
Making your own baby food seems intimidating and hard (spoiler alert: it’s not). You wonder, Will I have the time? But I’ve never been a good cook. Let me tell you making baby food is easy and surprisingly fast. […]
It’s a little bit unnerving to see holiday merchandise in the stores pre-Halloween, but it truly is one of my favorite times of year, so I say ’tis the season! Holiday cards are a well-loved tradition in my family […]