Baby Gear

Dropping your baby at day care for the first time can be overwhelming for any new mom. And while any seasoned mom will tell you that, yes, there is a lot you need to juggle and have packed, it does all become part of your normal routine. […]

Creating your registry, opening gifts at your shower and assembling the gear in the nursery are all very fun moments when preparing for your first baby. When you are busy taking care of baby number one, preparing all those things for baby number two and figuring out just what you need can be more of …

Lily Jade Elizabeth Bag

I’m fresh off of maternity leave with a tiny bundle of joy to tote around out and about in the world. It’s been five years since I’ve had a newborn, and my goodness, even being in the baby business, I’ve forgotten just how much stuff you want to carry around with you in those early …

Video Baby Monitor System with Digital Zoom Camera from Project Nursery

When I was a kid, I was convinced that the second I became a mom, I would grow eyes in the back of my head, allowing me to see every move my child made. Turns out, that isn’t real life, but I’m not telling my toddler So while we’re stuck with just one set of …

Stokke Xplory

We’re longtime Stokke fans because we love their philosophy of having baby truly join in with all the family’s adventures from day one. Not only can you bring baby along for the ride with the Stokke Xplory, you can bring baby right up to your level so that he always feels connected. […]

Baby Gate from Munchkin

There comes that moment in every parent’s life when things change and baby is on the move! Once baby finally takes off, your parental instincts will probably be to safeguard the whole house, and we’re here to tell you you don’t have to sacrifice your style to keep baby safe. […]