
DIY Gift Wrap

Ready to start wrapping some presents? It may seem pretty daunting when you have lots of gifts on your to-do-list. However, with this creative and elegant DIY gift wrap idea, we promise you that this is, in fact, the most wonderful time of the year. […]

Spa Day for Kids

I am SO excited about this post, as I feel like I’ve always dreamed of the day that I could share a spa day with my own little girls. I recently surprised my two daughters with a mommy/daughter spa day, and I’m not sure who enjoyed it more—me or them! […]

Pumpkin Turkeys Thanksgiving Craft

I love Fall. There is nothing that makes me happier than pumpkin spice lattes and crisp fall air. Also, as we all know, with the fall excitement also comes cooler weather, meaning kids are starting to spend more time indoors. […]

Thanksgiving Keepsake

With the holidays right around the corner, I try to be mindful of teaching my children what we are really celebrating. Holidays are not just about food, gifts and indulging—they’re about family, spending time together and being grateful for all we have. […]

DIY Thanksgiving Table Setting

I will never forget one of our first Thanksgiving celebrations at my sister’s house when we were surrounded by toddlers. The table set-up was beautiful. My sister put out her fine china and adorned the place settings with white cloth napkins. […]

DIY Toddler Ice Cream Man Costume

Halloween is kind of a big deal around my house. Costume ideas are thrown around for months in advance before we commit to the ONE. I have to admit that my two oldest kids’ first Halloween costumes seem kind of lackluster to me now looking back. […]